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  • Jurassic Park 1

    Blade runner 1

    2001: a Space Odyssey

    The Matrix 1

    They all hold up so well and in particular their vfx. In the Matrix it's probably more the plot than the vfx, even though it had merit coining that frozen up bullet time shot aesthetic. But in general every time I watch these I can't help but marvel at how well put together they are and then I remember when they were released and then I compare them to the mediocre releases decades after that and yeah. I'm in awe.

  • John Wayne's 'The Green Berets' is an oddity. While it's not out of its time, since the 1960s was packed with war movies, the fact that it's a Vietnam movie rather than a WW2 movie gives it a surreal quality. It is filmed with the same tone, style, and music as something like 'The Longest Day' but it's about Vietnam making it a million miles away from the style of most Vietnam movies.

    Standout scenes include a green beret ranting at a strawman reporter, and the scene where John Wayne smashes an obviously toy rifle to pieces.