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  • Saw a TikTok that said something like "Hey any IOF soldiers who don't feel like they can live with what you've done, just know that you don't have to."

    Glad to see one of them came to the same conclusion.

  • Why are you saying "unalived"?? Really gross

    • The need to avoid censorship has kinda made it part of the lexicon. I know "suicide" isn't censored here, but it's just become habit these days because it is at many places

      • It's a bad habit. Really fucking disgusting. Why don't we just say "sewer slide" too

      • Well, it's spread like a virus because people seeking to monetize their content (not making a value judgement there) found that TikTok and maybe YouTube, etc. will demonetize or limit monetization if content contains certain phrases and words. Which is insanely fucked up dystopian shit. If it was in a movie people would recognize how absurd it is that Google essentially has banned the words suicide or rape or Gaza and even words like Zionist... solely for their own desire to sell maximum ads to maximum advertisers to run on endless Mr Beast copycat content. It's beyond a farce at this point. I can't even call that accurate description of reality "clown world." I mean, what the fuck...

        I guess the point is... if you aren't making money off social media, which is most of us, your censorship is probably not necessary. And if it is necessary in order for you to post... probably past time for a new platform. But if people do choose to stay at such platforms all I can hope is they keep the censorship stuff there too. It feels sort of disrespectful in an intangible way to call a rape victim a "victim or grape." Even though I know the reasoning behind doing so... like, come on...

    • Algorithms have trained people to self-censor. "Unalive" will be in dictionaries in a few years I imagine.

  • We absolutely don't say "unalived" on Hexbear.

    • He passed on! This genocider is no more! He has ceased to be! He’s expired and gone to meet his maker! This is a late genocider! He’s a stiff! Bereft of life! He rests in peace! If you hadn’t nailed him to the perch, he would be pushing up the daisies! He's run down the curtain and joined the choir invisible! THIS IS AN EX-GENOCIDER!

    • fr fr 💀

  • The guy was a pilot. He could have left Palestine and gone home to have a nice career in civil aviation. Instead he chose to stay and do genocide. Look where that got him.

  • I would have just refused to bomb Palestinians. Skill issue.

    • Especially when the punishment for refusing conscription is well known and talked about.

      Spending multiple back to back prison sentences in Israeli prison, as an Israeli Jewish person (the state's designation since they differentiate between Jewish and "Arab") not subject to the rape and abuses that are done to Palestinians, for potentially years vs going along with the social norm of participating in personally murdering or helping murder dozens, hundreds, maybe 1000s of innocent kids, women, men, anyone else. The choice is so clear.

      "Ok, you can join the SS and help round up and shoot Jews every day until you're successful in extermination, we lose the war, or you dome yourself. Or! You get sent to a German-run German-prison for Germans. Not the concentration camps and definitely not any death camps. Up to you!"

      Nobody except Nazis excuses the men who wore the uniform and did that despite all of them obviously knowing it was horrific what they were doing. They justified it too by saying Jews wanted to murder them or otherwise destroy society. The same way Israelis are doing towards their victims. It's just pathetic anyone even tries justifying this genocidal rhetoric. I prefer when they just admit how disgusting they are.