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  • Real estate agents walking around next door like vultures pretending like they're doing something all dressed in the exact same shitty suits.

    E. Just overhead one say we should be able to push this one to the limit which calls for a rave choon

    • Insulting to vultures, vultures are actually useful and a big part of the ecosystem. REAs are just like those mozzies that carry malaria

  • Trash day today. Filling up the trailer with crap to take to the tip. Tetanus is up to date.

  • Big Halloween window day! Have to remake seaserpent wings because one of the cats ate the last lot. Small fete thing tomorrow, otherwise relax & try to not spiral.

  • My brain is fried from speaking in Japanese all night with old acquaintances I haven't seen in 12 years. But it was good to do something different. I decided at the last minute to pay for everyone's meals because I so rarely get interstate/international visitors and I had chosen the place to eat. No regrets, it felt good to pay it forward and leave them with a pleasant surprise. I'm sure they'll do the same when I visit them.

    We saw a group at the restaurant (quietly) singing happy birthday for their friend - one of the people I was with looked on wistfully and commented on what a lovely group of friends that is. It made me think about how some things we take for granted are less commonly expressed in other cultures. But we all want that feeling of connection

  • Peas kicking it!

    Also trying my hand at cloning the Just joey rose in a little ghetto bottle cloche bottom left. Wish me luck.

  • Auction next door passed in. God I dislike REAs.. spruiking it like they're commentating on horse racing. It's not a horse race you donkey.

    Hot takes from the dude though:

    1. "interest rates are only going down and property is only going up".
    2. Using Leos supermarket as a selling point.
    3. 'You're missing out on this quiet location'. Funny thing is this road has been discovered by people bypassing kew junction and about a zillion cars and tradies drove through. Add to that the neighbours kids 2 doors up were absolutely going off.

    Been a while since I've been to an auction so might common now but strangely, he kicked off the bidding at $3m (obscene).. then raised it to $3.05m when there were no bids at 3 then asked for $3.1m when there were no bids at 3 or 3.05. I know the vendor can place a bid themselves but it looked really fkn stupid.


  • That was a nice few hours in the sun. :)

    Got some old LPs from various shops along the way. We'll see what they're like.

    • I had a nice bit of time in the sun. Had a chat with my neighbour about our fence which is on a lean and threatening my water tank.

      She is lovely and has lived there for 51 years.

      I think a fence repair or replacement will be out of my pocket.

  • I have been watching the falcons this morning and Mum spent a lot of time trying to herd the chicks into the nest so she could shade them with her wings. The chicks kept trying to escape down to the other end of the ledge so they could get into some actual shade. Eventually all three managed to get away, but she stubbornly stayed keeping the empty nest as shaded as she could. She's finally given up and flown off now and the chicks are all enjoying the shade.

  • I was reading how gummies are going to overtake chocolate as the most popular sweet soon.

    Gummies are made with agar, ie, algae, ie soylent green, yellow, etc etc 🐍🐻🐻‍❄️🦖🦘 🍒🍊

    • See there is chocolate and… yeah. Unless it’s 75-80% I can ignore the stuff for months. Cadbury get in the bin.