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Fediverse stuff

Trying to help @thisismissem close an issue I opened a year ago.

Trying to help close an issue I opened a year ago.

Do people still accidentally block servers when they only mean to block a specific account?

#mastodon #fediverse #block #DomainBlock

  • The warnings are definitely much better now.

    But hard for me to judge how effective this would've been in my case when I accidentally blocked using the Android app. It was an early morning and I wasn't paying enough attention, dealing with some spam messages.

  • I did this by accident about a year ago. It was presented in a beta client without much fanfare and I didn’t realize what I was doing.

    Presenting some examples of what’s about to happen - this will remove 500 followers and 300 people you follow. Are you sure you want to proceed? Then, you have to manually type the words “I approve” for the block to occur. Anything to slow the process down a bit.