Daily Discussion Thread: 🍕 🍺 🚲 Wednesday, October 23rd, 2024
Daily Discussion Thread: 🍕 🍺 🚲 Wednesday, October 23rd, 2024
Daily Discussion Thread: 🍕 🍺 🚲 Wednesday, October 23rd, 2024
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I forgot to post something funny.
I’ve been occasionally stepping out the front door for a second to throw a few high quality cat food kibbles to the maggies, just letting them see my face to learn I’m not a threat and tell their mates not to swoop.
Yesterday one came walking right up to my screen door wanting to come in! He or she was genuinely curious and hung around peeping in for a couple of minutes.
I explained that they couldn’t come in because there was a kitty living in here, so they stuck around a little longer and eventually wandered off.
I'm jealous, I wanted wanted to befriend the local magpie but it's never really taken an interest in me, at least it's not swooping me in my front yard though.
They used to swoop me because I so rarely went out. I’m just lucky they’re coming right to me so I can pop out with some food and say hello
I've been wanting to give my local maggies and crows a treat, there are heaps in the few tall trees in my street. I love the crows, they're so shiny!
We have crows in Melbourne, but the most common is actually the Little Raven. I think it's so cool that we have ravens tbh, the little Poe fan in me squeals haha.
They're all very intelligent, magpies, crows, and ravens; so if you do give them treats, theyll actually remember your face and tell their mates. So smart 😍🐦⬛
Guess what this week’s window is?
I very much approve of giving treats to ravens.
Ah cool, happy to be corrected on the raven/crow thing. Quoth the raven, "gimme more! (of Melba's gourmet kibble)"
Be careful not to make the treats too nice… I already had neighbourhood cats wanting to book a stay and now the birds want in too!
I think it’s the same maggie that came right up to my visitor today to see if she had anything