Trump Campaign Closed Down McDonald’s for Staged Fry Cook Stunt, Store Not Open Per Owner’s Letter
Trump Campaign Closed Down McDonald’s for Staged Fry Cook Stunt, Store Not Open Per Owner’s Letter
Trump Campaign Closed Down McDonald’s for Staged Fry Cook Stunt, Store Not Open Per Owner’s Letter
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Ok it shouldn’t be a big deal, but I’ve found that you can tell a lot by a signature.
This guys signature looks like a 7th graders.
Edit: wow I just noticed the “DG Empire” on the sticker. Emperor Axe Body Spray over here
Why is that important? I mean it’s not really, I’ll fully admit I’m being petty. But I’ve found that people that write like they’ve just learned cursive do so because they seldom write things. Now this observation is likely less true today than it was in the Jurassic period when I grew up and had to write out schoolwork, but given that this guy owns a McDonald’s franchise I’m gonna guess he had to handwrite schoolwork too.
There is just something visceral about this signature, it’s a sloppy and bad version of textbook cursive. One of the things that happens when people write a lot is that they develop their own handwriting style.
Anyways, the sentiment in this letter and the stupid stunt are enough to hate, but this signature is just awful 1 / 10 please try harder.
Meanwhile my signature is lying through it's teeth, while claiming I must have multiple PhDs to have the signature I have.
I always hated how I was taught to write the capital letters in my name and then I was sitting in civics class and looking at the Declaration of Independence and stole big parts of my current signature from our founding fathers.
They knew how to write their names with style.
Strangely enough, while my cursive is absolute dog shite with a ballpoint pen, if I break out my fountain pen, that exact script is what starts coming out. Looks like I'm practicing to rewrite the Declaration of Independence and Constitution in a single sitting.
Yeah, but they wrote F when they meant S back then.
Congreff? What's congreff?
(I know it's a long s)
I don't know how it happened, but over the years, my signature developed from '7th grade cursive' to 'squiggle that vaguely starts with my first initial in cursive.'
Yes, I think that’s part of it, I shouldn’t be able to read every letter in your signature. I don’t trust that :D
There’s a reason there’s a print line under the signature line, your signature should be some vague squiggle.