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So I get banned from What now?

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Yesterday, I created my account on because I want to become mod on ! And I posted this comic on ! It's SDV game cutscene where Shane a NPC go watch Sports game with you kiss you accidentily but It was part of that event also player kiss Shane(NPC) back. Here's video for more context. And someone claimed it have SA(Sexual Assualt) From Hexbear Ofcourse. So, I should delete it. I said it was a part of game cutscene. And If main player doesn't love the Shane(NPC) then they don't need to complete this event. And Just as a sarcasm I added Yeah we shoule delete this entire community because this game is Woke like Woke Detector Steam Group said. That user think I am some anti-woke dickhead something like that IDK. And tell me to Kill My Self. What I do now? I wanted on become mod on .ml because community was already well established. I message dessaline but I am sure he will not unbanned me. :(

Did I really did something wrong? I don't know If I really did something wrong.

Link for that comic if embed doesn't work.

Create one !

  • Here's some context, in defence of the OP:

    The game in question allows you to date and marry different characters, among them Shane (represented in the comic with the purple hair). In order to do so, once the character reaches an affection level of eight hearts towards you, you need to give them a bouquet, that clearly signals that the player's avatar has romantic interest towards that person.

    The comic represents Shane's ten hearts event. As in: you can only reach that point if you already showed romantic interest towards Shane. And in the context, the kiss is not even sexual in nature, it's just Shane excited with the game.

    As in, there's no fucking way to interpret this as sexual assault.

    But of course. Slacktivists gonna witch hunt, right? They're unable to understand context, but they're still really eager to screech at you. And .ml moderation in special has a nasty tendency towards both slacktivism and witch hunting.

    They also don't seem to get sarcasm well.

    • As in, there's no fucking way to interpret this as sexual assault.

      Well, having never played stardew valley, it's actually hard for me to interpret the comic in any other way. I hope the encounter in stardew valley is different enough not to count as SA, but as it's represented in the comic it certainly looks like SA.

      • Well, without the proper context it's hard to interpret things correctly, indeed. And yet it's what we (people in general) should do, to avoid being unfair. Doubly so when we're in a position to dictate what others should/shouldn't share, like the admins of an instance are. [EDIT: it's what we should do = interpret things correctly.]

        I hope the encounter in stardew valley is different enough not to count as SA

        If you're in the mood, give this link a check. It's the whole 3min scene, straight from the game. Just keep in mind that, as I mentioned before, the player avatar and Shane (purple hair guy) are already dating.

    • You are a treasure for the Fediverse to have. You allowed yourself to get triggered later on, but this comment right here is pure gold! 🪙

      • Thank you!

        Although, to be frank, I wasn't triggered. Sure, I got mildly annoyed at two users, one for behaving like a dumb fuck and another for adding zero to the discussion; but the main reason why I was ruder with the HB users is that they don't understand things unless you speak their language - it's how they typically speak with each other anyway, I knew that it wouldn't offend them.

        (The first one is likely still pretending that this comic represents sexual abuse, that "gullibleness" isn't a valid word, and that I was using my typically convoluted vocabulary to "sound smart".)

        Addressing the other comment, about HB [de]federation:

        I don't know what the admins there want, but it's somewhat clear that a lot of the userbase wants to eat the cake and have it too: they want access to the content offered by other instances, but still behave like they were in HB.

    • This is SA and all my arguments are made in the original thread which OP conveniently never links: CW for SA and SA apology

      • The thread showcasing your arguments and your desire for OP's death isn't the win that you believe it is. It makes you seem unhinged and divorced from reality. The thought process on display comes across as delusional, even sociopathic.

      • It's a lot of stuff so I'll only mention a few points here and there. Others might want to check your link directly for context.

        [CW: link contains frivolous usage of a word considerably more likely to trigger victims of sexual violence than a kiss in a comic.]

        You're inferring too much from a drawing. The kiss is unexpected for two reasons: it is not a romantic situation (it's a sports game), and Shane not being an assertive person. Same sort of surprise as someone otherwise prudish using swear words. On being "limp", seriously?

        I need you to understand that posts like these can absolutely wreck someones day and pose a barrier to the site and lemmy as a whole. So best case: it's ableist to put it up.

        Everyone has a different trigger. You might triggering with your clothes, or your perfume, or your usage of a specific word unrelated to violence... that's awful but it's how things are.

        It's simply too far from any reasonable boundary that we could say "no, this is going too far, it's too likely to trigger someone", you know?

        Because if we [people in general] stop doing and sharing every single thing that might potentially trigger someone, we'll neither do nor share anything. Doubly so if we need to also take into account people who are oblivious to the context.

        That includes your prescription not allowing women to express themselves, as it is the case of this comic. People across this thread have not mentioned the author, but here she is; so you got a woman representing the scene as positive, but apparently women can't have their fun too, right.

        [She's also likely Latin American. It's common knowledge that folks here are considerably more eager to touch each other. Unless I'm supposed to pretend that the only valid behaviour rules are the ones followed by Anglos.]

        Secondly: the fact that your first line of defense is "it's just a game" makes me want to shoot you. It's just a comment.

        I'm highlighting this because it's an actually good argument. If this was indeed a piece of content encouraging sexual abuse (it is not, but let's pretend that it is), "it's just a game" would not be a valid defence.

        Thirdly: Shane being a depressed alcoholic does not give him a pass to SA people?? And if he's been drinking even though he's an alcoholic all the more reason to step out of the situation. How is pointing out that this is not just a comic about SA but about an alcoholic relapsing and then SA'ing helping your argument? "oh he's been down lately, lets let this one slide"? [REDACTED]

        You were so fucking close to convince me that you actually care about victims of sexual abuse being triggered by content on the internet. So close.

        Until you posted the part that I've redacted off, containing a word that is considerably more likely to trigger them than a kiss in a comic. Rules for thee, but not for me???

        The asterisk does nothing by the way.

        Famously in stardew valley you aren't dating until after the ten heart event.

        That is blatantly false. Eight hearts is when you start dating; ten hearts is when your relationship is solid enough that you can safely ask the person in marriage.

        Props for actually discussing this, unlike most HB kids who hopped into this thread just to have fun. (...I kind of had my fun with them too.)

      • Why would anyone want to read anything from that cesspit? If you're going to make an argument, make it here. Otherwise you're falling on deaf ears as most people here know Hexbear's very poor reputation and won't bother.

  • Report to the local gulag for ideological reeducation. Or go to another instance.

    • After only three generations you will be considered for early release. But seriously, that instance is an irredeemable cesspool.

  • Ml has become a sespool of bigots and propagandists like hexbear so you're better off just leaving.

    I was recently banned for calling someone who was calling for the death of all Americans an idiot.

    • dude YOU'RE the idiot for taking an obvious shitpost by someone who is themselves likely american seriously. it's called hyperbole for comedic effect.

      • I'm the idiot? Do you even know what you're talking about? There was nothing comedic about it... Are you being comedic? You're defending someone calling for the death of all Americans....

        Also I was banned and my comments were deleted, was that for comedic effect? You couldn't possibly be that dumb so you must be a chatbot running interference.

  • One of the reason why our instance defederated from Hexbear. They're not there to discuss in good faith, they're there to incite and provoke, then they start crying if you reply back to their nonsense.

    They're not worth interacting with.

    • To be fair I've had good discussions with a few of them, so I can't generalise.

      But... yeah, some of them don't quite realise that the childish behaviour that would be OK in HB is despised elsewhere, and that it's the the major reason why their instance gets defederated so bloody often - it is not red scare, it's "get the children back to the kindergarten so the adults can talk".

      • Hexbear has been far more level-headed than in my experience, it's definitely red scare. admins admitted as much on their end.

  • Looks like a CLM situation here, but approaching PTB for how fast they ignored all context to wield the banhammer.

  • .ml is a crap instance. The amount of highly upvoted communist propaganda as memes is staggering.

    • The reason why .ml is a crappy instance has nothing to do with communist propaganda. It's lack of transparency and shitty moderation practices.

      • I mean... por que no los dos?! :-P

        Like, if you are going to start literally executing landlords, then that's one thing, but otherwise it's just a pure fantasy, imho, divorced from the harsher realities of existence. i.e. it's childish, as you've noted elsewhere, which is fine except how it is exported to the entire Fediverse without really a way to fucking turn it off.

        Though I've found two: and both have fully defederated from Mbin, PieFed, and Sublinks all each have their own approaches as well.

      • What? No, I highly disagree.