Mine's a Juicer
Mine's a Juicer
Mine's a Juicer
The apartment I bought had cabinets with fake, decorative drawers on them. Except it turned out that one of those drawers wasn't decorative. It was just stuck.
Inside there was a full set of silverware (as in literal silver) from the 60's complete with the original receipt. It's worth thousands of dollars. I guess whoever lived there before me was in no condition to pack and the people who packed didn't know about the silver...
Expert mode is the tongs that were locked closed when they went into the drawer, and have now expanded 3x the size they should be
That's the entire reason I use a wine bucket to house big utensils. I used a wide thin grill spatula and all of my patience opening that drawer.
The bucket is slightly bigger around and slightly taller than a cookie jar. It works great.
We use a combination of a tall vase for the big top heavy stuff and an old Jaegermeister ice bucket that came free with something decades ago. Nestled within each other. Holds all of the bigger cooking utensils like spatulas, spoons, tongs, etc.
use another set of tongs to squeeze them shut while pulling
Look at money man over here. Showing off his two tongs.
Why is it, when something stucks, it is always you three?
Ty be fair, sometimes it's the upside-down spatula.
I’ve been wondering the same thing profesor.
you'd think i'd have learned by now not to put my potato masher in the drawer. but you'd be wrong if you thought that.
Don't forget the tongs that's missing the lock thing and somehow ends up standing up wide open.
I threw an entire draw of utensils across the room because of one of those fuckers.
don't do that. dm me but don't do that
Mine is pineapple corer and unnecessarily large can opener
Praise Anoia
One of ours gets stuck on the 3 different sets of measuring cups. Why do we have 3 full sets? No one knows!
Because eventually you'll break it lose one of the cups and then have 3 incomplete sets that will hopefully provide a full set between them.
Because having one means you have to wash that pile of dishes at the bottom of the sink.
Ineffective ass potato masher.
What would you recommend for mashing ass-potatoes?
The professionals use a potato ricer. Very fast, no lumps, and no risk of accidently making a glue, but you have to buy a potato rice, and change is scary.
I know I wouldn't recommend one of those electric hand mixers, like the one that just has a tiny blade it spins fast (the ones that spin two "interlocking" things might do decently). The potatoes are too thick and the blades just end up pushing the potatoes away and spinning uselessly. I'd take the one pictured over that kind.
And tbh, I like that style because you can still get good smooth mashed potatoes and the masher is easier to clean vs the grid style ones. Though for either of them, the trick is to dip it into the dish water and shake it around (clear out fragile stuff first obviously).
Have you heard about our Lord and Savior the poop knife?
Hand mixer, like a true redneck
A ricer is the 'Yes chef' way to do it, but I use this exact masher, when I do it I get lumpy mashed potatoes, but for whatever reason why my 10yr uses it they are silky smooth.
I don't think "audio off" was ever a reason.
Forgot the upside down spatula.
And how else would you suggest we pay tribute to Anoia?
Oh merciful Anoia, guard our kitchens and protect our drawers!
Rattle those drawers and praise her.
A fuckin set of tongs that has some latching mechanism that doesn’t work so they stay permanently agape.
If it wasn’t so true
Mine is a collection of antique dental instruments.
I won't tell you why, but I will say that it puts the lotion on its skin.
I simply don't put these in a drawer.
it got in it can get out
This really grates my cheese
C'mon man. You forgot half a dozen mismatched batteries, some tongs, and 3 different bottle openers for some reason.
For me it's usually letting anyone else put dishes away. Before that, the ¼, ½, ⅓, and 1 cup measure set but I fixed it by putting them upside down.
This post has made me ask, why don't we just put this shit in a different place?
Kitchen is to small
Burger patty press still in the cardboard
The spatula is a classic one
I have this one drawer that always hits something
For me it's tongs.
a knife once got stuck in out kitchen drawer.
after an hour of trying to get that drawer open with an arsenal of tools we surrendered and smashed a hole in the drawer from below.
The new ceramic knifes which caused the incident were collateral damage.
Oh man, that’s why that drawer was so spiteful - it took its revenge out on my mother-in-law. Apparently it reincarnated as a bathroom drawer and schemed with the cat to close the bathroom door and open the drawer right next to it
I tried to help but it was too tight to even snake a wire hanger through. I ended up smashing a hole in the bathroom door
Doors can be replaced, dignity cannot.
You could just buy a utensil crock and never have to worry about it again.
Also box graters go in a cabinet, if you don't have cabinet space and need to keep it in a drawer then get a flat grater (it's not like you use the other sides of the box grater anyway).
Can opener
cannot opener
For me it’s the bakery gloves
What are bakery gloves? I've never heard of that before, and Google was not helpful.
Oven mitts
Literally had this 15 mins ago
That fucking potato masher. My fiancee uses one of these. Just use the damned egg beaters! The machine packs away easy and the mashed potatoes are super light and fluffy.
I'm not sure what kind of eggbeaters would survive smashing potatoes, but I'll live in fear of them from now on.
hahahahhahahahahahahhaaahhaahhaha amazing