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Windows 10 only has a year of support: 12 months left to keep Copilot off your desktop or learn Linux

  • I'm waiting for Microsoft to inevitably be forced to keep supporting 10 for free[^1] longer than they planned, because 11 uptake just isn't fast enough.

    What happened with 7 will happen with 10, and they'll end up supporting it for another year or two.

    Microsoft is trying damn hard to not care about consumers, but the consumer market still matters, so I suspect angry customers will force their hand.

    [^1]: They already plan on charging money to keep supporting 10 past it's end-of-life date, but I suspect this will have a lot of angry pushback that will result in at least a year or two of free updates.

  • to keep Copilot off your desktop or learn Linux

    For me it's one year to keep Windows Mixed Reality working. I'm still miffed that they pulled the plug with no alternative other than putting my headset in the bin and get a new one...

    • If you haven't looked into it Monando might be what you need to keep your headset running. May not work for your headset (doesn't for mine but mines not WMR and is because of my 8kx's driver)

      • I already did back when Microsoft announced they would drop WMR, but it was (and still is) pretty experimental, with no controller support and 6DoF requiring external tracking.

  • All I need is a native, feature complete, Nvidia GeForce Now Linux client. It is literally the only reason I keep a Windows installation around.

    • Native? Isnt it a web app?

      • The web app that runs on browsers, Linux, etc., only supports 1080p/60fps. The native client for Windows and Mac can run at high resolution and max settings and fps.