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Bulletins and News Discussion from October 14th to October 20th, 2024 - Paper Tigers

Image is a frame taken from this video of Iranian missiles raining down on Israel without interception due to a weak and depleted air defense system after a year of war and genocide.

Mao, 1956:

Now U.S. imperialism is quite powerful, but in reality it isn't. It is very weak politically because it is divorced from the masses of the people and is disliked by everybody and by the American people too. In appearance it is very powerful but in reality it is nothing to be afraid of, it is a paper tiger. Outwardly a tiger, it is made of paper, unable to withstand the wind and the rain. I believe the United States is nothing but a paper tiger.

When we say U.S. imperialism is a paper tiger, we are speaking in terms of strategy. Regarding it as a whole, we must despise it. But regarding each part, we must take it seriously. It has claws and fangs. We have to destroy it piecemeal. For instance, if it has ten fangs, knock off one the first time, and there will be nine left, knock off another, and there will be eight left. When all the fangs are gone, it will still have claws. If we deal with it step by step and in earnest, we will certainly succeed in the end.

Strategically, we must utterly despise U.S. imperialism. Tactically, we must take it seriously. In struggling against it, we must take each battle, each encounter, seriously. At present, the United States is powerful, but when looked at in a broader perspective, as a whole and from a long-term viewpoint, it has no popular support, its policies are disliked by the people, because it oppresses and exploits them. For this reason, the tiger is doomed. Therefore, it is nothing to be afraid of and can be despised. But today the United States still has strength, turning out more than 100 million tons of steel a year and hitting out everywhere. That is why we must continue to wage struggles against it, fight it with all our might and wrest one position after another from it. And that takes time.

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    This is like releasing footage of Che shouting "Shoot coward, you will only kill a man" right before his death. They've released the exact footage you should not release when a leader dies a hero's death.

  • I can't get this vid of Sinwar out of my head.

    Israel is so self-righteous and so arrogant that they must have assumed this would be seen as their glorious Osama Bin Laden moment. But it's the opposite. It's like something out of a dystopia movie where the bad guys have all the advantages and all the tech but the hero dying in the rubble refuses to quit. A stick is all he has and it's a physical struggle for him to use it but he uses it anyway.

    The Israeli details about the killing of Sinwar depict him as fighting to the end. He was wearing a keffiyeh and fatigues. And stares down his high tech assassin’s flying robot. Throws a stick at it with his one good hand. For a year, Israel has portrayed Sinwar as a coward hiding in tunnels surrounded by hostages. And they will continue to portray him that way. But the details of his death they’ve released will solidify his image as fighting Israel to the end.

  • Speaking of Sinwar, even in Gaza there has been a wave of trash floating over people about him, a lot would curse him the past few months because they believed he was sitting comfortably while they had to endure the war, this breaks that. And I don't think anyone was expecting this 62 year old man to have been fighting in the front lines, you don't understand how dumb israel is for showing us how they killed him, they disproved the same lies they've spread for an entire year, a cowar rat living in the tunnels surrounded by human shields turns out to have been the entire time in the safest place can be when fighting western forces... the front lines

  • Every little detail I hear about Sinwar's life and death makes it feel straight out of Shōnen Jump. A man born in a refugee camp that outlives him. A man who went from emiseration to a college degree. A man who became fluent in his oppressors language in captivity. A man who went from indefinite imprisonment to leading the resistance. A man who projects a Samsonian level of indomitability. They have to keep making excuses that 'he's in another country', 'he's underground' for why they just can't kill him for years, but you can find him walking down the street in Gaza and just pull him aside for an interview.

    He's still above ground fighting, a year into the entire region being carpet-bombed with the expressed intent to kill him specifically. He gets hit with tanks, missiles, dronefire, he's still fighting with a severed hand–he's 61 years old! Even when he's bleeding out in a dusty-old chair exposed to the elements, the surveillance drone pilots are still instinctively dodging the pieces of rebar he's chucking at the damned thing in a final 'fuck you' to his oppressors with his one good hand.

    They have to finish him off with a sniper round. They can't touch this man. They can't be near this man. He's the bogeyman. It feels intrinsically embarrassing to even make the comparison–it makes me feel like my analysis is fundamentally juvenile, but I just cannot shut it out of my mind, it keeps coming back to me the more I think about it–this man went out like Gojo Satoru. A life and a death that can only be rivaled by Che Guevara's in terms of it feeling straight out of fiction. What a guy.

  • At the rate she’s going, Kamala will next appear on Lex Friedman with special guest Jordan Peterson to discuss why men feel isolated. Then she’ll make a surprise appearance on Asmongold’s stream to react to Tyler Olivera while muttering “based” every time he suggests that immigrants should be culled.

    Finally, she’ll clinch the undecided vote by attending a book signing with celebrated author and beloved feminist, JK Rowling.

    Edit: I forgot her one-upping Trump by having Peter Thiel attend one of her rally’s.

  • It's completely insane to me that the Israelis actually released the video of Sinwar's death, along with a bunch of details that confirmed that he died fighting until his last breath on the front lines. Do they not understand how that looks?

  • Folks, it's time for the latest installation of "Western media finally says the things the news mega has been saying for 2+ years". I'm just going to highlight a couple quotes I think are interesting, but the article is a quick read.

    FT - Israel races to supply anti-missile shield: Intense war demands have left the IDF relying on the US to fill gaps in air defences

    Israel faces a looming shortage of interceptor missiles as it shores up air defences to protect the country from attacks by Iran and its proxies, according to industry executives, former military officials and analysts.

    The US is racing to help close gaps in Israel’s protective shield, announcing on Sunday the deployment of a Terminal High-Altitude Area Defense (Thaad) antimissile battery, ahead of an expected retaliatory strike from Israel on Iran that risks further regional escalation.

    “Israel’s munitions issue is serious,” said Dana Stroul, a former senior US defence official with responsibility for the Middle East.

    “If Iran responds to an Israel attack [with a massive air strike campaign], and Hizbollah joins in too, Israel air defences will be stretched,” she said, adding that US stockpiles were not limitless. “The US can’t continue supplying Ukraine and Israel at the same pace. We are reaching a tipping point.”

    As it turns out, profit maximization, lean manufacturing, and just-in-time logistics is not compatible with a rapidly expanding warfront. Apparently, stockpiles and excess industrial capacity are kind of important when you want to fight another country with a peer or near-peer industrial base, let alone multiple.

    The US-supplied Thaad battery, which is designed to shoot down ballistic missiles, will sit alongside Israel’s Arrow system. It bolsters Israel’s overall air defences as Benjamin Netanyahu’s government plans its retaliatory strike for Iran’s missile barrage in October, which Tehran said was to avenge the killing of the leaders of the Hamas and Hizbollah militant groups.

    Is "sit along side" metaphorical or literal, here? My gut feeling is that this is literal, and they are going to place the THAAD battery, which will be operated by ~100 US troops, next to an Arrow battery, meaning that the strategy is to use US troops as human shields to deter a strike on the interceptor batteries.

    “We are not seeing Hizbollah’s full capability yet. It has only been firing at around a tenth of its estimated prewar launching capacity, a few hundred rockets a day instead of as many as 2,000,” said Assaf Orion, a former Israeli brigadier general and head of strategy at the Israel Defense Forces.

    “Some of that gap is a choice by Hizbollah not to go full out, and some of it is due to degradation by the IDF . . . But Hizbollah has enough left to mount a strong operation,” Orion added. “Haifa and northern Israel are still on the receiving end of rocket and drone attacks almost every day.”

    Analysts said that defence planners and Israel’s AI-powered air defences were having to choose which areas to protect over others.

    More than 20,000 rockets and missiles have been fired at Israel over the past year from Gaza and Lebanon alone, according to official Israeli figures.

    “During the October 1 attack, there was a sense the IDF reserved some Arrow interceptors in case Iran fired its next salvo at Tel Aviv,” said Ehud Eilam, a former researcher at Israel’s Ministry of Defence. “It’s only a matter of time before Israel starts to run out of interceptors and has to prioritise how they are deployed.”

    We are getting to the point where Israel is having to choose which missiles to let through, which is not a great spot to be in when your population has a very low tolerance for casualties.

  • "Israel" spent years talking about how Hamas uses human shields when fighting, yet when they found Sinwar (actually, Sinwar found them) he was alone armed with nothing but an AK, a vest and a bunch of grenades. Sinwar proved them wrong over and over again, he was not in Qatar, he wasn't hiding in bunkers never coming out and he wasn't fighting against the enemy hiding behind defenseless women and children. He stood alone against an elite group of "israeli" soldiers that included artillery and tanks, he fought them even as a tank shell severed his hand and left him mortally wounded.., but still kept fighting, all by himself with whatever strenght he had left.

    When you read the details about how "israel" got him, it proves that Sinwar, despite his age, was still able to fend off a much larger "israeli" force by himself with inferior tools, and only after they employed overwhelming firepower they were able to take him down. "Israel" will not win and destruction awaits for them at the end of the road.

  • Harris says death of Yahya Sinwar is chance to finally end "Israel"-Gaza war | The Guardian

    Kamala Harris has hailed the death of Yahya Sinwar as an opportunity to finally end the war in Gaza and prepare for “the day after” when Hamas no longer dominates the territory.

    The US vice-president and Democratic nominee said “justice has been served” with the death of the Hamas leader, adding that the US, "Israel" and the wider world were “better off as a result”.

    fucking hate her so much. rest in power Yahya Sinwar you will always be remembered

  • Just go back from the assembly we held at our university, and we resolved: The building will be occupied by the students and the authorities will be displaced*, effective now the premises are under student control for an indefinite period of time. Classes will resume as normal (most will be held in the street). We also declared a state of permanent assembly.

    *I'll dig more into this. We voted on displacing them, however, I think some will remain in their posts to fulfill their duties. What I think happens is that their authority is shared with the students, meaning that we kinda abolished hierarchies lmao.

    Meanwhile, more and more universities are being occupied by students, althrough such occupations differ from one another. I think the number is well above 50 institutions around the country, more will be joining us as the movement gets bigger.

    A few days ago, milei announced that occupations are illegal and thus efforts must be directed to evict those who participate in the occupations.

    So, anybody knows how to deal with riot police? Honestly I don't know what to expect, in one hand we're protected by the right of protest and there's also the fact that neither police or federal forces are allowed to intervene in universities (they can't even step inside), on the other, it's milei we're talking about, not that he gives a shit about all this. I do expect shady people to come and go from the building to collect intelligence for the cops, this has happened before.

    What keeps me worried are possible sporadic attacks by pro-milei people. Today, during the assembly to decide on the occupation of the University of Quilmes, a group of libertarians tried to crash it by using tear gas on students. They were promptly kicked off the establishment and the university was occupied regardless. This hasn't happened in previous times when universities were occupied because the conext was different, but now, fascists and libertarians (they are the same thing) are completely empowered by the state. Gotta keep watch I guess.

    death to "israel" btw

  • So there is an American Football Game going on, and I was right under the fighter jets flyby path. That was one of the loudest things I've heard. I also can't help but to realize this is the sound millions of people around the world hear and assume it is their death.

  • Sinwar died like an anime character, and I don't mean to trivialize his death with that statement, I mean it in the most respectful way possible. Defiant to the end, almost brings a tear to my eye how powerful it was.

    I'm convinced that the Zionists sent the drone to kill him out of fear that if any of them tried to do so in person, he would have merc'd them with the stick.

    excuse me I'm gonna wax poetic for a bit, except poorly written because I only have a couple minutes.

    All through this it's become more and more clear that the oppressed of the world, the very people the "civilized" world consider to be "sub-human savages", have exhibited far more humanity than any of the ghouls in the "civilized" world ever has. In them I see the kind of strength, bravery, compassion, and fire that the "civilized" world arrogantly believe themselves to possess; the oppressed and their defiance to the savagery of the "civilized" world are truly inspiring, they have shown what humanity truly looks like. The "civilized" world believes themselves to be the bastion of compassion and humanity. But that cannot be further from the truth. The "civilized" world is a world of evil, cowardice, and barbarity. Their only desire is to satiate their own greed and desire to crush and dominate others. They have no values, and I can hardly believe they can exhibit human emotions. The "civilized" world are the true savages and barbarians, only hungering for blood, slaves, and sacrifices. Only... when it comes to the "savages" they look down on, they don't consider any of them to be "sacrifices" in any sense.

    This isn't limited to Palestine, this goes throughout all of history of anti-colonial struggles.

    EDIT: I had to edit this because a line I added while writing it fucked up the sequence.

  • Not gonna look at polls, kamala will lose. They'll blame Black/Hispanic people, men, Muslims, Jews, Jill Stein, and more, but the root cause will be the genocide in Palestine. If I'm wrong I'll run a marathon with no training or something similar idk

    Both campaigns have no energy. Boring election cycle

  • Cuba: A massive march in solidarity with Palestine took place in Havana, to condemn the genocide of the Israeli government against the Palestinian people for the past year. This demonstration is also being replicated in Lebanon, Syria, and Yemen.

  • My very least favorite phrase today are versions of this "He was suspected of using hostages as human shields to protect himself." Fucking US media parroting hasbara when the general public doesn't even know the word "hasbara".

  • Okay, I have been obsessing over this Tiktok for over an hour. When they say that Zionists do everything to prove to the world that every single anti-Semitic stereotype is true, they really do fucking mean it.

    Behold the Tiktok in question:

    Seriously absorb what he's saying. I literally thought he was just some anti-Semitic crank until I searched for him online and it turns out he writes for Zionist newspapers. And it's not just him that describes this concept since I've found newspaper articles as well.

    From this dude and other articles I've read, Zionist society apparently exalts the cheater and liar while being an honorable person invites only contempt and makes you a mark that will be exploited by others. They try to tone it down by saying that it's only applicable to stuff like cheating on your taxes or cutting in line, but that shit 100% goes way deeper especially when we're talking about a genocidal settler colony.

    This is also a clue into why the Zionists actually thought it was a good idea to release the video of Sinwar's martyrdom. If we take this concept of frayer seriously, then from the warped perspective of Zionists, Sinwar was the ultimate frayer: a man who gave his life for the sake of others. In their eyes, he's the ultimate sucker and the video of his final moments on Earth as the ultimate sucker who could've send a bunch of low level Hamas grunts to die in his place should've invited universal mockery and contempt.