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How do you make your coffee at home?

I personally use a lever espresso machine and a hand grinder, but I also love a V60 pour over or an aeropress on occasion. I like lighter roasts and pulling 3 to 1 water to bean shots, personally!

What do y'all like?

  • French press. It's easy to brew a decent cup of coffe, it doesn't take up space on the countertop, cleanup is easy and it's the kind of coffe I grew up drinking.

  • Grind some beans put into filter, put filter into pitcher of water, put pitcher on counter overnight, take out filter and refrigerate.

    Served over ice, I also make some simple syrup so I don’t have to try to stir in raw sugar into cold coffee.

  • rn I'm forced to boil it on the stove since I can't afford a new coffee maker otherwise just regular drip.

    • Good old cowboy coffee

    • Try this one from wally mart. Last one worked for two years before the heating element went out. Before I started using these I had a $25 mr coffee and when I took it apart it was identical and prob made by the same place in China. I also re use the filters once or twice scoop the old grounds out with a spoon. Main problem I'm having rn is 3X increase in coffee prices. Kroger used to have decent cheap house brand but they are trying to phase out their generic product lines. The new thing in grocery store biz model is replace generic house brand with a premium house brand. Kroger no label -> Kroger Private Selection, Meijer no label -> Frederik's by Meijer

  • I’ve got a Bambino mini espresso machine. I like my beans as dark as night, when they’re so roasted that they’re starting to get oily (my wife says this indicates the beans have spoiled but she is wrong). Four double shots into the mug effectively making an Americano.

  • ~15 year old nespresso machine with the little pods. they make this Napoli one that I've been specifically addicted to for years. would love a real espresso machine but can't afford it really

    • Espresso certainly is never cheap, but manual machines like the Nomad or Flair Neo can be afforded by more people than the $1000+ machines some people get into.

  • bonavita drip machine, zapatista coffee, bodum burr grinder that should probably be cleaned/replaced since it's been in service for over a decade now

  • I have this really shitty drip pot that cost 34 dollars 8 years ago. The drip valve broke off when I dropped the filter cone a couple years ago so now you have to wait until it's good and done before you even think about taking coffee.

    It maximizes my micro plastic consumption but it simply won't die.

    I grind my beans with an electric burr grinder that I have never cleaned and now it's not outputting as much grinds as it should so I'll have to give in and take it apart soon.

    I used to use this hand grinder daily for like 2-3 years. Its a really nice japanese one with ceramic burrs that I bought on impulse. I'm really glad I got the electric grinder as a gift.