Florida man forgets about four category 5 storms that hit when he was president
Florida man forgets about four category 5 storms that hit when he was president
Florida man forgets about four category 5 storms that hit when he was president
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Because he's deaf and can't read. He got a hurricane briefing once and tried to correct the drawing with his personal hopes and dreams. That was the last time they gave him a hurricane brief.
People who support this dude are weird for not seeing he's not fit for office. He should step down and let someone younger go, like Biden did. He has way too much ego to admit he lost an election, nevermind stepping down, but it would be the play
Him being unfit for office has little to do with his age, to be clear.
Doesn't it? Nobody is 100% at 80 years old. Also they won't have to live with their decisions.
Dude's been unfit for office for decades.
Donald, 100%, what would that even look like? Sexually assault twice as many women? Bankrupt twice as many company's?
Twice as many blank reams of paper in his healthcare plan.
twice as many concepts of plans.
Well he'd be a billionaire leading the American empire, so imperialism, but more competent, kinda like Obama.
That "kinda" is bearing a load the size of the Earth. It's a galaxy of presumptions rolled up into five letters. If it had a name, it would be "Atlas".
Trimp isn’t a billionaire
He probably is, but in any case, he'd both the representative of capital and a member of the capitalist class.
America isn’t an empire
Sure, we just have 800 military bases across the world and unequal trade with so many poor countries by chance.
Trimp is not competent
No shit. But Trump at 100% would be a more competent evil.
If you compared Trimp to Obama directly he would cry and try to have you arrested
Of course. Trump wishes he could bomb >10 African and Middle Eastern countries, do a bloody coup in Honduras, send the national guard in to put down protests after police murdered another unarmed black person, bail out the banks that just halved black wealth, deport 3 million immigrants, and still be remembered fondly by libs.
Yeah but like, on the list of things that should disqualify him his age is somewhere in the 200s.
Sure, but he was unfit way before
Nikki Haley was (hopefully) right, that the first party to replace their old white guy would win
Honestly I was worried Trump would nominate Haley, given the way CNN and MSNBC keep trying to paint her as the "reasonable, moderate republican".
We dodged a bullet when Trump's campaign started shitting the bed, but Kamala keeps trying to run back to the cold, dead embrace of the Biden campaign that brought him to 37% approval rating.
It 100% has to do with his age of you consider the chances of dementia in a 30—60 year old candidate, and then in him, a candidate with full-blown dementia.
Completely missing my point.
That's exactly why they like him, he's not an "insider"
He's been in politics to long for him to make that claim anymore.
He's also making elected officials dance while he doesn't even hold office. If that's not an insider, then what is?
That's like some sort of behind the scenes politics. I wonder if there's a term for that ...
Logic is not the best approach to changing these people's minds unfortunately.
I don't care why anyone likes him. Any combination of words that justifies or normalizes anything to do with TFG are neither worth the time to write nor read.
Oh cool, another unenforced law.
Add this to the list
Pepridge Farm remembers this. He used a Sharpie, and wanted to detonate a nuclear bomb on American soil.
Well I don't think that's the real problem here - if you could nuke a hurricane out of existence, it would be a feasible option. The area of effect of a nuke is a lot smaller than media has led us to believe, and if you detonate it at the right height there's not much fallout. It's a totally reasonable option... If it worked
The problem is, it wouldn't work. For any competent president, this was just a bit of brainstorming. It's creative out of the box thinking, I bet previous presidents have asked the same thing
And that's the problem. The conversation should've gone "can we nuke the hurricane? Have we looked into that?" "Yes Mr President, we've looked into it and it just doesn't math out". And then they continue on with disaster preparations like a sane person
The problem is: why did we even hear about this? Even the most harsh critics couldn't make brainstorming look bad, throwing out any idea that pops into your head is the point.
But he had a creative idea, and where most people would feel a moment of disappointment and move on, or maybe even task people to reevaluate the option, he bragged about it in public. He turned "the science doesn't work" into "they wouldn't let me"
And honestly, it's probably one of the best ideas he's ever had..."if sunlight kills the virus, can we use that?", "if bleach kills the virus, could we inject bleach?" - it shows like understanding of biology, but a president doesn't need to know biology. They just need to hear "this wouldn't work" from someone who understands the science, and move on
But the damaged little snowflake he is, he doesn't let go of the weirdest of ideas, because they made him feel smart for a moment and he's deeply insecure. He brags about his brainstorming sessions, which is weird, and then he presents his ideas in public as "they wouldn't let me" instead of "this was a neat idea, but unfortunately it wouldn't work"
And that's far more disturbing. Having a creative idea is good, having it turn out to be impractical is fine, but holding onto it and pitching it to the public is deeply worrying
Oh god... The weird thing is so fucking cringe.
Weird take
I agree. Trump, the weird thing, is fucking cringe.
How are he and his cult fan club not weird?
fan club cult*
I'm not American. The fact that you guys have Trump as one of your two options just shows how absolutely shit the people and the country is.
Cool. Sounds like you don’t get the nuance of the attack from wherever the fuck your ivory tower is
Haha, ok!
You are only further highlighting that it is somehow surprisingly effective.
No u
Please elaborate your point of view.