Greta Thunberg is declared a violent participant for her pro Palestine demonstrations.
Greta Thunberg is declared a violent participant for her pro Palestine demonstrations.
Greta Thunberg is declared a violent participant for her pro Palestine demonstrations.
The translation is off, "gewaltbereit" doesn't mean violent, but more something along the lines of "willing/ready to do violence"
They translated it as "possibly violent" which fits.
It still kinda implies that she has possibly already done violence, but the meaning is more about being capable of doing violence in the future
Fits not really. In Germany, such terms as "possibly" are not used. Their meaning is considered equal to "everything is possible, because nothing is known".
Wow that's a low bar for violence. I expect all contact sports to be banned before the weekend.
Fun fact: Being carried away doing absolutly nothing (litteraly, with that being the reason you are carried away) already counts as violence against the police in the german crime statistics
Cops are the biggest pussies in a lot of countries.
Seem too much. I not know, what violence she do before?
Her crime was speaking out against the Machine. So to fight back, they label her as violent, because she threatens the very thing they hold dear: blind conformance.
She was part of a relativly small protest in Berlin, in which some started throwing glass bottles on the police, burned a bunch of trash cans and threw some liquid on a tv team near the protests.
Some started, aftervthe police stormed into the protest violently to do arbitrary arrests.
since a few month at the protests in Berlin it is normal for multiple people to be injured so severly, that they need an ambulance, people to be choked unconscious by police, police denying access for doctors to injured people, police randomly hitting, shoving, kicking people and of course beating people up that are arrested.
All of these are documented on video. The police deliberately escalates to violence, while present press from pro zionist, racist media outlets like Axel Springer or Tagesspiegel conveniently ignore the police violence to paint the protests as aggressive afterwards.
Oh amd plus points for the police to target teenagers and women, to ensure people to get aggressive, when they see grown men violently attacking boys and girls. weighing half of their weight.
The press release was changed in the meantime:
Doing an anti Israel demo on the Hamas massacre anniversary... How far she has fallen.
Lost some respect for her.