Marjorie Taylor Greene May Have Sent Hunter Biden Nudes to a Bunch of Minors
Marjorie Taylor Greene May Have Sent Hunter Biden Nudes to a Bunch of Minors

There are laws about not doing this.

Marjorie Taylor Greene May Have Sent Hunter Biden Nudes to a Bunch of Minors
There are laws about not doing this.
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As the article states, the inclusion of the nudes in the newsletter allows a very clear path for criminal charges in D.C. and Georgia under their respective revenge porn legislation. She should receive charges for both.
In any sane world, a member of congress would be immediately expelled for presenting literal nudes, without permission and in bad faith, of a sitting POTUS' family member, who is not, nor has ever been a member of the administration or government employee.
Congratulations to Vladimir Putin and the CCP, as your work to dismantle the U.S. through propaganda and mainstreaming batshit tinfoil-hat insanity through promoting these ridiculous, unserious elected officials like Greene, Paul, Jordan, Comer, Gaetz, Santos, et al, has been incredibly effective.
One of the candidates wants to imitate the US when it comes to the 2A, so I think if it comes to that, I'll arm myself.
Careful, you're falling for American propaganda yourself.
The safest thing you can do by far is to leave, but obviously that's not an option for everybody.
If you do arm yourself and you take that gun with you everywhere you go, you're more likely to just give a far-right scumbag an excuse to kill you than you are to defend yourself.
Extremely permissive gun laws benefit assholes, criminals and extremists far more than they benefit genuinely good people.
So have all the armed minorities in America fixed the problem?
Has racism been solved or does the state still execute people in the street and claim "He might have had a gun"?
Are authoritarians scared to enter politics because of all the overweight, heavily armed people waddling around sharing fantasies about killing for "freedom"?
Are domestic terrorists hunting gay people gunned down in a hail of Good Guy Bullets before they can threaten, trumatise, maim and kill anybody?
Or do cashiers and children and beaten wives just get shot in the face because their lives weren't deem as important as profiting off people who can't secure their guns or control their emorions.
Morality has nothing to do with it, it simply doesn't work.
Armed minorities are why we have any gun control, the second the black Panthers started walking around we suddenly started caring about gun control.
A talking point pushed by right-wing, pro-gun reactionaries who just want to manipulate people into feeling racist.
The open carry laws they used while policing the police stated that it was legal to carry a loaded rifle or shotgun as long as it was publicly displayed and not pointed at anyone.
The pro-gun community pushes gun laws that are far more permissive and far more likely to result in an overweight Fox News viewer losing control of his emotions and executing a cashier.
Especially if that cashier is black.
yep while we havnt gotten quite as far as the extreme right in the US, the nutbags here in aus love to focus on similar oddly specific things, like trans people and sex education which is going through a bit of a renaissance of ignorant idiots trying to make it an issue.
its even funnier because we don't have a large religious base to even justify it and most of the lunatics pushing it would probably identify as atheist or agnostic
Tankish, as in the medieval N African Kingdom of Tankish?
It was a joke because that’s the only definition I could find for “Tankish,” but I didn’t think that was what you actually meant. Never heard of it at all nor could I find any reference to it describing friendliness with the 2nd world. Any idea of the etymology and/or where you picked up the term?
It comes from tankie.
This is just speculation because it hasn't been explained definitively to me, but my assumption is that it refers to the Tiananmen square video where it was one dude vs a column of tanks and tankies are people supporting the column of tanks side of that conflict.
And from there it evolved to mean anyone supporting the Chinese or Russian authoritarian regimes. It might apply more broadly to anyone supporting a regime that uses brutal dissent breaking tactics, though in the west it might apply to situations specifically involving that brutality (France, Britain, and USA have all recently used some brutal tactics, though none of them have deployed tanks to settle a protest/riot that I'm aware of).
And just to repeat, that's my current best guess as to the specific meaning of the term, I could be entirely wrong.
Tankie is a term British communists used against other British communists who didn't oppose the USSR invading Hungary in 1956. These days its pretty much any Marxist-Leninist.
I blame Fox "News" more than any foreign government.
Fox News is a mouthpiece for foreign government, so…. Same thing.
Rupert Murdoch is Australian
Oi nah get fucked mate, you guys took him in yonks ago.
But to be fair i believe he isnt considered 'Australian' or 'American' but more of a 'cunt to all humankind'.
Yeah nah your right, sorry we let him slip away.
Billionaires aren't really citizens of any country. They're kind of small nations unto themselves.
If only we had a border wall to protect us from these foreign ne'er-do-wells!
You would think the largest most ever would protect us but noooor
We didn't go far enough. Only supplied non lethal aid the roos and the ostriches after the wild camel cull. The drop bears were trained but I fear we'll pay when they turn against us all.
In any sane world, a member of congress would be immediately expelled for presenting literal nudes, without permission and in bad faith, of a sitting POTUS' family member, who is not, nor has ever been a member of the administration or government employee. of anyone.
Exactly. Revenge porn is revenge porn. Put the criminal in jail.
Don’t forget Cruz. Acts stupid but is probably the most nefarious of the bunch.
How is Gaetz not in prison for raping and sex trafficking children.
Probably because it never happened.
Here's a link from what you might consider a reliable source:
See here's how politics work: Make an accusation. Slander your opponent. Bring forward witnesses. Drop or lose your case when no evidence is found.
Having the prosecution recommend not pressing charges isn't exactly the same thing as the crime literally not happening. That's a bit of an assumption.
If I can make at least 3 assumptions, based on what you've said here, do you think OJ was a murderer?
Yes. Much better that we assume guilt until proven innocent.
Or, alternatively, his rich and powerful father used his connections to pressure anyone who could testify to rethink the consequences of their actions. Because rape is okay if you're rich and white.
Wait. When did we start talking about Hunter Biden?
Wait was he charged with bringing a minor across state lines to have sex with them, or was it tax evasion?
There's been plenty of evidence that Hunter is creep with minors, just like his daddy creepy Joe. According to this sub, you have to prove innocence, so where is the proof that Hunter didn't?
Politics in the mirror much?
Your link does not support your claim that it never happened. It does not even address the question of whether or not it happened, the quality of the evidence available, or the reasons why charges were not recommended. You are clearly reading into this article. Why? Bet you don't even know.
According to the article the supposed witnesses were garbage. Even the prosecution thought their testimony wouldn't hold up in court.
Somehow I have to prove a negative, to prove innocence, and yet somehow the parent commenter can make unfounded accusations without proof and be considered legit, worthy of updoinks? You people are in a delusional echo chamber. What a joke of a forum this is.
Wouldn't it be neat if she faced consequences for her actions, instead of the US working overtime to make sure potheads do as much time as they possibly can before they're finally forced to admit they lied about pot