What are your favorite statically typed, compiled, memory safe programming languages?
What are your favorite statically typed, compiled, memory safe programming languages?
What are your favorite statically typed, compiled, memory safe programming languages?
<?php declare(strict_types=1)
😏 😁
The dash emoji. Always looks like a fart.
With no context, this could be an honest attempt to learn about different tools, a thinly veiled set-up to promote a specific language, or an attempt to stir up drama. I can't tell which.
It's curious how such specific conditions are embedded into the question with no explanation of why, yet "memory safe" is included among them without specifying what kind of memory safety.
Yeah, arguably the only answer to this question is Rust.
Java/C#/etc. are not fully compiled (you do have a compilation step, but then also an interpretation step). And while Java/C#/etc. are memory-safe in a single-threaded context, they're not in a multi-threaded context.
C# has native compilation capability, thanks to Native AOT
The question mine as well be "what is your favorite compiled language?". There is a lot of overlap between the possible answers.
Yeah, I like subleq.
s. Since it's all of them, you don't even need to write it!Subleq is the obvious winner in my mind.
That is a very specific subset
Garbage collection is still allowed, and technically JIT languages are still compiled so it really isn't that restrictive
Java, the language so good you compile it twice!
Not that specific tbh, most newer native languages these days are compiled and memory safe (Rust, Swift, Go, Kotlin Native, etc)
As others have said, Haskell and Rust are pretty great. A language that hasn’t been mentioned that I REALLY want to catch on, though, is Unison.
Honorable mention to my main driver lately: Purescript
Tell us more about unison
Hard to describe in one phrase other than to say:
NixOS is to Linux as Unison is to Haskell
Content-addressing used in the context of programming languages in the service of solving the problem of distributed systems and their inability to share code across time and space.
Haskell has a content-addressed module that was perhaps influenced by Unison.
Here’s an excellent interview with one of the authors of Unison:
C# is good too. If you havent heard of lobster you should look into it.
C# isn't exactly compiled, at least not into machine language. It is transpiled into byte code that is run on a virtual machine that on turn is an interpreter/JIT-compiler.
Depending on why someone is asking for a compiled language that may or may not be a problem, because to the one writing the code it looks like a compiled language, but to the one running it it looks like an interpreted one.
Not necessarily these days! With NativeAOT, C# can be compiled to machine code.
It is compiled to bye code. Just to be clear transpiling is completely different. It is also not interpreted.
But ahead of time compilation is available now. So you can compile straight machine code.
The newer tiered JIT can actually give better performance than a traditional compiler as well.
Overall C# is an awesome language. If performance is absolutely critical you can use raw pointers and manual memory management, but obviously you lose safety then.
It is compiled into bytecode. A transpiler translates to another programming language with the same level of abstraction. A compiler translates into a level that is nearer to or machine code.
Ada, hands down. Every time I go to learn Rust I'm disappointed by the lack of safety. I get that it's miles ahead of C++, but that's not much. I get that it strikes a much better balance than Ada (it's not too hard to get it to compile) but it still leaves a lot to be desired in terms of safe interfacing. Plus it's memory model is more complicated than it needs to be (though Ada's secondary stack takes some getting used to).
I wonder if any other Ada devs have experience with rust and can make a better comparison?
I have done quite a bit of C, C++, Ada, and Pascal development. I recently got into Rust. I am still getting used to Rust, but it feels a bit like someone tried to apply Ada to C++. I like the modern development environment, but I am slower writing code than I would be in Ada or C++. The one feature of Ada that I really like and want other languages to adopt is the Rep spec. I write driver code and being able to easily and explicitly identify which symbol corresponds to which bit is really good.
I would use Ada or Spark in a heartbeat if there was an easy-to-use, mature cross-platform GUI library for it.
its* memory model is
Sad I had to scroll to the end to see this.
Ocaml is brilliant and has the nicest type features. It's almost like Haskell but more approachable imo.
As a Haskell programmer, "OCaml has the nicest type features" hurts just a little bit.
I sometimes teach a course in OCaml. The students who are very engaged inevitably ask me about Haskell, I encourage them to try it, and then they spend the rest of the semester wondering why the course is taught in OCaml. Bizarre how different that is from when colleagues in industry want to try Haskell.
Hands down, Rust 🦀
I started learning Go about 3 months ago and it quickly became one of my favorite languages. It feels like C with a bunch of Python niceties thrown in. And performance isn't super critical in my work so being garbage collected is fine with me.
People don't understand that JIT languages are still compiled, JIT literally describes when it's compiled.
That said, F# and/or OCaml.
Rust and Haskell (I think Haskell counts)
Scala 3 native. If the compiler was faster I'd be even happier. Curious to try Ada
Nim. Small compiler, small executables, easy to understand (except the macros, I still can't get my head around them).
FreePascal. Yeah yeah, Pascal's dead, etc etc, but it being so verbose and strict certainly help programmers (or at least me) keeping things somewhat tidy.
Also shoutout to V
After months of no practice, I forget quite a lot of stuff about them, regardless of language; therefore, none
EDIT: None of them is memory safe, that is
Python with MyPy.
(Almost any language can meet those criteria, with enough shenanigans.)
But that's not compiled, not to binary at least.
But that's not compiled, not to binary at least.
Well...sort of.
(Everything is weirder than it seems at first glance.)
You mean... except Ada?
Crystal, but only because I’m a full time Ruby on Rails (and sometimes Hanami!) programmer.
It’s fantastic, and I had an excuse to use it at work when we needed to gather PHP Watchdog logs from a MySQL database and format, output them to STDOUT in a Kubernetes environment. (This was necessary for our log monitoring tools expecting data in a standard way, AKA not connecting to a database. 🤦♂️)
I know there are perhaps better options out there (Go, Rust, etc.) but from a Rubyist’s point of view Crystal gives you that “flow” from working in a beautiful language but with the performance boost of compiled software.
I'm anxiously waiting for Crystal to be able to compile for Windows so game development with it can get a kickstart
I’m kind of sad to say that I don’t think it’s going to reach the adoption level of Ruby but I hope I’m wrong.
You forgot that beauty - "undefined behavior"!
Memory-safety can guarantee only so much safety! C++ can still blow up in your face, even with all the alleged memory-safety built into C++, thanks to all the UB traps in C and C++.
Rust is the closest language that has no such "gotchas".
Kotlin is nice
C++ with -Wall -Werror, and no pointer diddling.
Its definitely best to try and avoid raw pointers, but even if you try really hard I found it's not really possible to get a Rust-like experience with no UB.
Even something as simple as std::optional
- you can easily forget to check it has a value and then boom, UB.
The C++ committee still have the attitude that programmers are capable of avoiding UB if they simply document it, and therefore they can omit all sanity checks. std::optional
could easily have thrown an exception rather than UB but they think programmers are perfect and will never make that mistake. There are similar wild decisions with more recent features like coroutines.
They somehow haven't even learnt the very old lesson "safe by default".
If I wanted memory unsafety I think I would consider Zig instead of C++ at this point.
I recently got bitten by exactly that std::optional
UB and here I was thinking 🤔 after 12+ years in the industry starting all the way back in the day with C++03 that modern C++ was supposed to make things better.😐
purescript if you count “compile to js” as compiled.
Otherwise Haskell
That's transpiling, not compiling. Compiling is usually meant as "directly to machine code", but I am yet to find an "official definition".
There is no official definition, in part because there isn't any formal way to define the term that satisfies our intuition.
Most treatments will handle "transpiling" as a special case of "compiling" and some will even handle decompilation as a special case where the object language is higher level than the source. Of course, even defining "higher level" can be quite hard.
Plenty of languages "compile to C" and I see no issue with saying something "compiles to js," especially given that js mostly lacks features of purescript rather than the other way around.
transpiling is just a type of compiling. compiling in no terms means 'directly to machine code'.
Elm, which is the loveliest language ever.
But I'm not sure if compiles to javascript counts as compiled, in which case haskell, which is considerably less lovely but still good.
Roc isn't finished, but it might turn out lovely, I don't know.
Transpiles :)
Scala is the the first I used and I like it a lot. If I had more time I'd love to give ocaml a decent try but I don't think I can get into it these days.
C++, with some Skill
but seriously, I don't know any language with a good, C/Cpp-like Syntax (so not Rust), with a good compiler (again not Rust). So I'm sticking to Cpp.
You should check out zig, its compiler can even be used for c/c++. If you have time to listen to an interview, this developer voices interview on zig explains some of the advantages of this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5_oqWE9otaE&t=3970s
What's so bad about the Rust compiler? I know it's slow, but given all the analysis it's doing, it makes sense. And, from my own experience, setting correct optimization levels for dependencies along with a good linker makes incremental builds plenty fast.
C on Morello (or any other capability machine).
I wouldn't consider Julia statically-typed; am I wrong?
It's actually optionally-typed. But if you're liberal with type annotations you can treat it as statically typed.
C is memory safe if you program it well enough, so I guess C
every single language (except Vlang of course) is memory safe if you program it perfectly.
Very, very few humans are capable of doing that, especially with C.
Lol. The people downvoting your comment need to get good.
Skill issue.