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41 yorumlar
  • Maybe I'm becoming a massive boomer here, but where did people get the idea that you can just absorb information and understanding by osmosis or whatever? We have someone in the comments of a documentary incredulous that you would suggest that watch the documentary they're replying to, so they know what they're even talking about??

    Be real with me, is it the TikToks and the twitters melting people's brains or what??

    • Man idk I'm pushing 40, when I grew up kids were still taught that wikipedia is not an acceptable source, and at least somewhat inoculated against online misinformation, as the World Wide Web was a very new thing.

      • They still teach not to use Wikipedia (although inoculating against misinformation is impossible when your curriculum is literally misinformation). I don’t think all the hate on Wikipedia is warranted but you still shouldn’t use it as a citation (click on the references, people!)

    • Be real with me, is it the TikToks and the twitters melting people's brains or what??

      I think it's largely a combination of this and the learned narcissism of living in a post-consensus reality media sphere. You have the normalization of increasingly fast paced stimulus that fucks up your attention span, but they also, being a liberal who talks about politics on the internet, feel the need to have a very confident sounding take who's correctness is secondary in importance, and can be justified post-hoc by whatever shit they can make up and be "pretty sure they read somewhere". It's more a way fir them to shine a spotlight on themselves as the cool contrarian with the real facts. Fortunately, most of these guys are fucking allergic to cool and turn into corncobs pretty quickly when confronted with anyone who knows anything about what they're talking about.

41 yorumlar