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  • It is very very funny to me that the AAA gaming industry has basically made their own projects completely untenable to produce because they need so many engineers and artists producing the highest fidelity content and engines possible and so now they need like at minimum 500 people over a 4-6 year period to produce a game that typically has the exact same gameplay as something produced 15 years ago. And they're like "wow we need to raise the price of games to compensate for all this added cost we added to the production of our games". And the solution is right there, quit wasting time with chasing constantly new art assets and better engines, and just reuse the shit you already have. Fromsoft and RGG (Yakuza devs) ship more games with more interesting things than all the western AAA publishers produce in ten years. And they need like 8 months of patches to make them actually run anyways.

    Oh and let's not forget most consumers probably can't even tell the difference between 1080 and 420, let alone 4k versus 1080. I know all my normie family over the age of 50 can't. So they're pursuing ever higher graphical fidelity for literally no reason.

    The industry is a joke. Indie games are all I need.

  • Pretty things are enjoyable to look at.

    • Yeah. Skyrim still has graphic mods today, people mod Minecraft to look better. Play enough of pretty graphic games and the standard is set, it's hard to go back.

    • That's aesthetic though, not graphics. Higher fidelity graphics can be worse looking than something heavily stylised, because they're messy and muddy and hard to look at.

      • Higher res textures and shadow can be easy to spot. Go from lower setting -> high -> ultra setting, you can see the graphic different. Heavily Stylised game won't look as good if you play it at lower setting compared to higher setting.

  • Devil's advocate, the techdemo aspects of Spess Mehrine II stuck out to me. Games have been diminishing returns technically since the PS4 at least, so seeing big impressive swarms of Tyrranids or huge columns tumbling put me fondly in mind of F.E.A.R., or Half Life 2, or like The Darkness, Idk.

  • Idk, I guess if your goal in making a game is to have some beautiful scenery that's also realistic, knock yourself out. But I love games that are focused on enjoyment first and foremost. The games I spend the most time on are really simple graphically.

    That's why I maintain that the Switch is the GOAT of systems, it's just really fun. Shitty company that's gotten worse over time, sure, but they don't exactly take the crown and at least I get something enjoyable out of it.

  • Shit I'm still playing FTL

    • That reminds me I need to finish Into the Breach on Unfair for all squads. I think I'm only halfway. I'm terrible at FTL and don't even have every ship unlocked, despite over 150 hours :cri:

      • I've been playing the multiverse mod for FTL and no joke there are over 100 ships you can unlock.

        I tried into the breach but it didn't click with me the same way FTL did

  • It was a struggle for me to finish spesh muhreen 2 because my computer couldn't optimize the game for shit and everything was a janky junky choppy mess for me.

  • Maybe want something a bit more imersice than shoddy 2D pixel art?

    You got this super computer with a dedicated super super computer add on. I want that super duper HDR 4K cinema experience. Not all the time, but I would like to actually use the hardware / justify my

    treat that I saved up for over a few years. (That and it really cranks out BOINC workloads)