Card Only
Card Only
Card Only
"I wonder what all these flaps are for? Weird to put them on top of the cash things."
I see you've worked in customer facing positions before
I work in retail and can tell people would still ask if they can pay cash
But does it take cash?
Oh there's a fun legal problem at play here.
Depending on the region its likely fine to only accept card for goods being offered.
However it's not fine to only accept cards in a scenario of debt. (The idea you've consumed or changed something before paying)
So even with all this signage if the pump allows you to pump before payment. You'll need to accept cash as the business or be willing to provide them an invoice to be paid out later through the banks.
You might argue that the fuel is in the tank just take it back. However, this will not be the same fuel that is being sold. As it's now had an opportunity to be contaminated by whatever was in the vehicles tank. Taking that contaminated fuel and putting it back in the main holding tank would potentially be considered as fraud.
Edit: so many labels I thought I was looking at a gas station self serve haha not a grocery store.
A lot of stores have separate card and cash self check outs
It's not a matter of different options being accepted but what has transpired. A grocery store is perfectly capable of taking back your groceries if you're unable to pay for them. So I guess what I'm saying is moot.
In this case, Kroger is a grocery store and I'm pretty sure they don't run a gas station - I'm almost certain the machine in the picture is actually a self checkout.
Kroger does actually have gas stations in some of their areas. But you're right, this is a grocery store self checkout machine.