It’s nothing crazy, but for a simple chat client without any BS it is nice.
You have to provide your own API key but they hand them out like candy so have a blast!
Edit - Pushed out a small update that adds a toggle for auto saving new conversations. If disabled new conversations are only saved (locally) when you press the save icon.
After a conversation has been saved it is automatically updated/saved every time you send a message from there on out.
Good question, I hadn't really thought about it before but I think an export is possible. Conversations are stored in your browsers local storage, adding the ability to export/import seems entirely possible.
It might even be possible to generate a web link on export that you can use to load conversations on another device.
As far as server side storage goes personally I'd like to handle as little of other peoples data as possible even if it's just AI chat conversations. It's not out of the question though, I just need to look into it further.
Edit - I mention here I will add the ability to export. I’ve also added a GitHub Issue with the feature request.
Now I just have to not be lazy and do it eventually.