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A dramatic rise in pregnant women dying in Texas after abortion ban

  • If someone says, “I support this because I am conservative,” you actually mean, “I support this because I am a cock.”

  • You'd think this would give republicans pause, or make them reconsider.

    Young women dying in dramatically increasing numbers.

    But it won't.

    All these young women left to die on the altar of their misinterpretation of their religion and their uncaring principles.

    But no, it was a policy born in hate and the tragic imposed deaths of women are not an unfortunate side effect, they're just misogyny in action. Working itself out.

    If they cared about babies, there would be more support for women, for early years interventions, and maybe they might also care about children dying in schools on the altar of their misunderstanding of their 2nd amendment and their uncaring principles.

    But no, they don't care about children dying in schools either, and do you know why? Because caring about children dying in schools doesn't involve telling women what they have to do and ruling their lives with oppressive freedom-denying laws.

    Caring about children dying in schools would involve some infringement on their UNDENYABLE RIGHT TO FEEL IMPORTANT with a gun and caring about women dying in childbirth would interfere with their UNDENYABLE RIGHT TO FEEL IMPORTANT with a rule about what women can and can't do.

    • Are you implying being against abortion is a misinterpretation of the Bible? How?

      • Edit: I think that's a genuine question from someone who is surprised by me calling it misinterpretation and has engaged with another perspective politely and unlike many people, is listening as well as expressing their point of view. I wish more people responded like that with a request for information and respectful discussion afterwards. Evidence shows that the "How?" was genuine. Hence my upvote.

        I don't know any religious people who think abortion is great, but I don't know any pro-choice folk who think it's great either, they just think it shouldn't land a woman or a health professional in jail and they don't like that the maternal death rate is climbing so fast in Texas which had the first five-week abortion limit in the states.

        Before the republicans figured they could be really judgemental and condemnatory about it (what does your Bible say about that kind of behavior?) and use it as a wedge issue to drive religious folks away from the democrats, it was originally a catholic-only thing to be absolutely opposed to abortion for a long time, justified by a misinterpretation of the sin of Onan, which the catholics somehow took to be a lesson about semen not being allowed on the floor, when it's quite clearly about family duty and not help to provide a kid for his brother's young widow who would otherwise be childless - held to be shameful for her. He wasn't kind. I think you could boldly interpret that story to be pro IVF but I don't think you can interpret it to be anti-abortion and anti women's choice unless you're really baked-in misogynistic before you think about it.

        Yeah I know it says "do not murder" but the abortion bans are literally killing women with already dead foetuses because no health professional can afford to risk their career and freedom to take any step whatsoever to save their lives until it's obvious enough that they're at death's door that the court couldn't conclude otherwise. "She might have died later" isn't compelling enough - "she was coding" is.

        I challenge you to find a bible passage explicitly condemning abortion. I can find you at least ten explicitly condemning judgementalism, but also condemning not caring for the poor, not caring for foreigners, walking by when others are suffering, not healing someone when you can. The modern republican party is so far from "What Would Jesus Do?" and worships the liar in chief, Donald J Trump.

        So yes, somehow a bunch of big american corporate churchgoers got convinced that being rich is a sign you are a good person, that stopping abortion is the main lesson from the scriptures and that caring about black people, foreigners, poor people etc is evil. Somehow "let the person who did nothing wrong cast the first stone.... go, I don't condemn you either" became "lock her up". If you don't think that's a misinterpretation of your Bible, yours is different to the ones I've seen.