The Struggle Is Real
The Struggle Is Real
The Struggle Is Real
This is me and my dad so much.
Last year he was complaining about how the owner of the company he works for is retiring and giving the company to his son who doesn’t know anything about the business.
We talked about how the workers could all own a portion of the company and run it themselves.
He agreed that’s how it should work.
But socialism is bad… 🤦♂️
Lol I have so many conversations like this. Someone was saying a bunch of people got laid off at their job during covid and they almost lost their house. I said something like "it's a shame that they didn't just temporarily decrease everyone's hours so you all still had work. I mean, the work was going to come back eventually".
And they of course agreed
Literally talking with 99% of boomers and trying not to say socialism or communism when they already agree with 100% of your talking points.
I've learned to call it socialized capitalism when I talk to older generations, and I'm pretty old. I find it an easier pill for them to swallow. We have to remember that the baby boomers were children in the middle of the red scare, that shit got internalized deep. It's almost like they're traumatized.
Legit feels Pavlovian, like you've sent them back into their teens watching/listening to McCarthy ranting to them on their TV/Radio, it'd be funny if it wasn't so horrifically sad
For real, especially trying to get across Lenin's analysis of Imperialism, or the necessity of Revolution, both of which are far touchier subjects than "Marx good" on the Fediverse.
Marx has been blunted and made tame and by those who haven't read him.
this is a really good thread on the subject
Marx has been blunted and made tame and by those who haven’t read him.
You might say they have "Turned Marx Into A Common Liberal"
me describing democracy
Literally Communism
Actually its prob like only one or two laser lines you can casually step over.
But the are super sensitive & triggery.
I love when people describe a system better than capitalism when trying to make communism look bad.
Communism allows everyone to pretend to have free stuff by declaring those that actually make it less than human, and thus less than citizens.
Your crops are picked by exploited immigrants, the coltan in your electronics mined by African child slaves, and the electronics themselves assembled on 14-hour shifts by sweatshop workers under capitalism. And you still have to pay for them.
Communism allows everyone to pretend to have free stuff by declaring those that actually make it less than human
I know you've been banned (not unreasonably so) and can't respond, but if you truly believe what you wrote above, you owe it to yourself to find out how you've been lied to. Communism at its most fundamental core is about alleviating the exploitation done to "those that actually make it" (workers). Communism elevates everyone to personhood, as opposed to capitalism that only does so for the ownership class.
All the "isms" and the "ocracys" are fine except for one small point... none of them work.