Yes, but corporations pay into the system in other ways. Take for example the time Duke Energy had a big coal ash spill into a river. They took the income resources they had and not only paid a fair fine price, cleaned up the...
Wait. No they didn't. They passed on all the costs to their customers. Fortunately those customers were able to use the free market and choose another provider...
Wait. No, they can't. Huh. That IS a freeloader.
Damn I hated you on those first lines 😂
Oh yes, I remember this. Duke assessed the river bed and determined that a cleanup could cause more damage and would be super expensive. So they did no cleanup AND increased rates.
increased rates
You think that assessment was free? Think again pal.
I was about to flame you up 😤😂
You had me going there for a minute
I hate you. Wait no I don't 😂
Climate Town, is this you??
Lol, no, but maybe I was channeling him. Great Youtuber.
Its funny how much owning a successful business sound exactly like being a lazy, work-shy layabout who does nothing while living off of other people's hard work.
It's enough to be big, you don't have to be successful. Corporations are rescued all the time with tax money.
Racism is either a symptom or a tool:
Those who cant make sense of their situation being unsatisfactory may fall prey to it to soothe themselves.
Those who hoard all of the worlds wealth use it to distract from that fact.
Worth noting that a lot of the people raging about immigrants don’t see themselves as racist.
I have a quote that fits this situation well:
When you‘re dead, you do not know you are dead. Its only painful and difficult for others. The same applies when you are stupid.
Or themselves as immigrants, for that matter.
A German settler calling a Hispanic migrant "illegal" really says something about the legal and social zeitgeist.
Or a white person as an immigrant.
If you apply liberal's superficial understanding of what white supremacism actually is hard enough it's very easy to end up in a situation where nobody could possibly be a white supremacist.
Posts like this are important, but unfortunately in vain, I'm afraid. Those who still don't understand it will never understand it. I think they don't want to. I don't get it.
I'd say it's still important to post and talk about, not for the people who know and don't care, but for the people who don't know and do care.
Yes, I think so too. I just can't understand why so many people aren't able to hold those who are to blame for their misery to account. Instead, they allow themselves to be duped by their own enemies. It is incomprehensible to me how people can be so stupid.
Reading about The Bracero Program seems kind of wild in today's anti-immigrant US climate.
The Bracero Program (from the Spanish term bracero [bɾaˈse.ɾo], meaning "manual laborer" or "one who works using his arms") was a U.S. Government-sponsored program that imported Mexican farm and railroad workers into the United States between the years 1942 and 1964.
Temporary agricultural worker visas are one of the types of work visa with no limit, and actually have more protections than a lot of regular US workers. They still hire illegals because illegals are cheaper.
I was sceptical about the lack of sources so I DDG'd it:
Fastest way to get caught hiring undocumented workers is to not pay their employment taxes.
I'd actually be willing to bet that we (the US taxpayer) paid those corporations for the privilege of their continued existence
Durrr. We need them to trickle down on some workers cause otherwise there wouldn't be any jobs.
Indeed, they could simply choose to bunker their wealth in a tax oasis and just keep taking and taking without ever giving anything back. And according to studies they do exactly that.
Anyway, what was I talking about? Oh yes, the precipitations that they do decide to shower those beneath them with are then obviously worth their weight in gold. A golden shower, if you will.
Stupid question: If undocumented, how are they verifiably paying anything close to this figure in taxes? Pls respond
Not all taxes are collected, much of what we pay in taxes is added on to the cost of things.
For example, sales tax.
They can request and may be assigned an individual tax ID number (ITIN). Having an ITIN may allow them to open a bank account. It also makes it so they pay taxes which a surprising number want to do. Since they want to stay in the country, having a long history of paying taxes is a way to show you don't want to cause trouble and you just want to work. Hell, a lot of them probably know they got Al Capone on tax evasion and don't want to end up like him. Here's a report I just Googled, and possibly the source of the number which is an estimate.
On the other side is how much tax funding is used on them. Here's a report from the House of Representatives which states they use more in services (Medicare, WIC, sending kids to school, etc) than they pay. I can't speak to how accurate the report is considering the makeup and views publicly expressed by members of the committee. I'm personally leaning towards 'they don't, and can't, use as more than they contribute' because they're not eligible for many benefits.
I love how in your last article it's a human centipede ouroboros
Macgregor said that “every alleged asylum seeker, illegal migrant pouring in through the border in Texas or wherever else” is given a monthly payment of $2,200.
Gheen added that ALIPAC “did not make the original claim about the $2,200,” pointing to Carlson’s interview with Macgregor as its source.
Macgregor cited an article published by a Houston radio station on its website to support the claim he made during the interview, which quotes Gheen and the ALIPAC release. The article was published a week after his interview.
Just because you're undocumented doesn't mean the IRS will give up on taking your money.
Sensible question. Nobody even knows how many undocumented people are in a country - because they're undocumented.
This has to be a made up figure. The sentiment might be correct but the data is dubious.
It's explained upthread. You can get an ITIN to pay taxes if you don't have a Social Security Number. The estimate is from the amount collected by the IRS from people with ITINs.
Damn, Sam Reichs father is really big on social media
He worked for multiple presidential administrations and was in the cabinet https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Reich
Yeah, that was just a stupid Dropout joke ^^
Obviously the substance of the post is important but I did do a double take at his name, remembering that yes, this is indeed Robert Reich, former US secretary of labor, father of Sam Reich, a silly little man who makes his cast play silly little games.
Freeloaders are the people taking up dramatically more resources than the value one human can produce.
I don't think they care. I think they just say they are free loaders because what they really feel is hate towards people of other races and ethnicities, but they can't say it out load or often even admit it to themselves.
More often than not they're ashamed their wic is funded in large part by illegals. Pride is dangerous as fuck.
Trump is not a free-loader though!? And now that I've planted that thought... can you remind me why not exactly - asking for a friend? :-P
Well, he doesn't do work or create value.
He’s not a freeloader because he pays his fair share of taxes…. Wait a minute
He’s not a freeloader because he takes on the risks of a job creator, including any financial losses…. Crap, nope
He’s not a freeloader because when he contracts put work he pays on time what was agreed ….. can you see the pattern?
The real reason your taxes are high is because of... the bears!
The duty of the working person is to pay tithes to the ruling class. But these workers are also using public services and benefiting from public works.
The only solution is to privatize more state functions, in order to make sure all immigrants continue to surrender their surplus value to the native aristocracy.
And no more eating! I don't want to see any Haitians who look well fed. We all know what that means. Haitians are supposed to be in a half starved state at all times. Otherwise, I just know they're up to something.
I think that would average between $5.000 and $3.000 per undocumented immigrant.
Did those companies make billions in profit? Or just billions in revenue and did creative accounting and investing so that they didn't actually make a profit so they don't need to pay tax?
Office depot you said?
I notice we’re comparing “taxes” in one column to “federal income taxes” in the other column. I wonder why.
the US Constitution puts the ENTIRE TAX BILL as the responsibilty of corporations, this was illegally changed during WW2. This is why prior to WW2 there was no income tax. We are living in a fascist hell hole because we are not following the legal Constitution. We are following a partial fake. The full text of the original Constitution is available when you read the Constitution, then turn it upside down and read the additional text which is in Latin. Democrats and Republicans are fully aware and refuse to reinstate the Full Constitution. They are both Traitors to the Republic.
The full text of the original Constitution is available when you read the Constitution, then turn it upside down and read the additional text which is in Latin
Do you have the latin? What does the full text say?
Only Nicolas Cage has seen it since it's also written in invisible ink.
Is there, and I'm just guessing here, a medication that you may need a lot of and have taken none of? Or maybe too much of?
then turn it upside down and read the additional text which is in Latin.
Do you mean this literally?
Sumbody forgot to take their medication today.
I think people are getting the implied sarcasm.
Ok so if "white" is a color but nobody is actually "white" does that mean that we have solved racism? Finally realized that everyone just has a slight shade of brown difference?
WOW! I love living in the early 2000's! Fuck you all and your flying cars you 3000's assholes! Sure I'll die in this millennium before we meet aliens from outer space, but at least I don't have to purchase oxygen in plastic bags on a daily basis from Trump-Tesla, your friendly oxygen company!
are you ok bro?
How is the government getting taxes from people it doesn't know exist?? I thought you had to file your taxes yourself in America, why or how would the migrants even do that? Or if the employer is doing that, who do they say they are doing it for??
Undocumented migrants still pay taxes that are built into systems we interact with, like sales, rent, mortgage, etc. They also frequently have payroll taxes taken out, and even file taxes using an ITIN instead of SSN. They also can't capitalize on govt. programs like section 8 or social security, so they are only able to contribute to these funding pools. Undocumented migrants generate billions per year in taxes for the US.
Filing taxes is how we get refunds for overpaying in the US.
Paying taxes is done for us, through withholding out of our paychecks (don't need a SS#, as a TIN will do here), sales tax on purchases of goods, and in other ways, like connected to housing, etc.
While immigrants in the country without authorization do not have Social Security numbers, they can file taxes using an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number, or ITIN.
Reports about 3m people file using an ITIN each year, and the number of people expected to legally use them is very small.
Also says they see about $12B more paid into social security by illegals than paid out.
As Al Capone found, the government is would rather you pay tax on illegally earned money.
Every couple months I learn of another way the us government interacts with 'undocumented' migrants. I find it supremely silly that these people have identification numbers, pay taxes, are counted for the census and participate in elections but they're still referred to as 'undocumented'?? They clearly are documented, wtf does 'undocumented' mean then?
As Al Capone found, the government is would rather you pay tax on illegally earned money.
That was more an end run around accidentally indicting all the state and federal officials who'd gotten wrapped up in his corruption.
Capone should have gone down for murder years earlier, but too much of the early Hoover Era FBI was willing to turn a blind eye to Capone's mafia exploits or rat out informants before they could go to trial.
How is the government getting taxes from people it doesn’t know exist??
Going to the store and handing over my money for the stuff. There's a % sales tax at the bottom of my receipt, but how is this possible?! I didn't tell the government I was going shopping today.
Drive back home to my apartment, where I pay my rent for the month. My landlord forward a chunk of that money to the city as real estate taxes. But I never formally registered my citizenship at this address, so how can that be?
Heading to the bar where I earn my living. Most of my income is in tips, which my boss collects and skims the business tax rate off of before distributing the balance. But there's no bartender's license to work here, so how did he know to do that?
Omw home, I've got to remember to re-register my car and buy more gas-taxed petrol and damn it feels like there's a lot of ways for a government to collect tax money from me.
This is a good question and should be upvoted.
I mean, at the base of it all, do they not buy things? If they buy stuff, they pay taxes.
Income taxes are withheld from the paycheck. The filing is largely unnecessary in the modern day and most people are getting refunds. The IRS offers tax ID numbers to people who don't have social security numbers and they generally don't care if you're a citizen unless you try to claim something like the earned income tax credit. They literally just want to get paid.
Most illegals came in legally, and let their visa expire
hi i'm robert reich and i have no idea what is going on or why at any time and that's my whole thing
He should change the name to Robert 4rd Reich.
How much was paid with employee income tax? How much was paid with VAT?
How much did immigrants take out of the system?
This is the most biased one sided comparison.
It's strange how in the when businesses employee people and that wage gets taxed that's 100% on the employee. But when a business sells a product and it gets taxed that's 100% on the customer.
Nah Bro, it's biased against poor and pro rich. Taxes on income are nothing the company pays, it's paid by the employees.
Taxes on profits and gains are circumvented by "declaring necessary investments" to set the net profit to 0.
I know there are cases where this is legit, but I doubt, Amazon and others just steal.
Explain to me how an illegal immigrant is “taking” anything from the system.
An easy example is not paying income tax. Some illegals work for cash because they're undocumented and so pay no income tax. When that person uses public stuff like roads and local dog parks and anything that's ultimately paid for with taxes, they're taking benefits and not paying back into the system.
Whether or not we might want to deport someone or otherwise punish them for this "freeloading" is a separate question, but I don't think there's much of an argument to say that no amount of freeloading is happening at all.
Well that's just the level of economic understanding on this website. Immigrants get everything for free but everyone else pays for society at large.
So much wrong with this post. First, the US does not have a VAT. Second, why would you ascribe an employees wages to the employer? Isn’t it the employees skills that earns them a wage? Third, what do you even mean with “undocumented “ migrants taking out of the system? They are undocumented and thus don’t have access to social security/medicaid etc.
Undocumented immigrants can't file income tax, because they are undocumented. However, they also can't utilize the majority of our costly social services, because they, obviously, don't have documentation. They can't sign up for welfare programs, utilize police resources for fear of being deported, etc.
Overall though, they are also human. They produce similar economic demand to Americans. They pay sales tax. Their landlord pays tax on their rent. They are also often paid less than Americans because they have no ability to enforce the law through legal means (again, for fear of being deported), but still have to buy things like food, which is taxed.
Thus, they tend to, at a bare minimum, take roughly about what they put in, leaving a mostly neutral effect on the economy.
Immigration is generally regarded to boost innovation overall, lead to higher education rates within the workforce, and creates higher overall economic productivity., which is an effect on the economy that isn't just taxes in, taxes out.
Of course, the best option we have is to grant them amnesty, because that then means they can file & pay income taxes, can more easily be statistically measured and analyzed as a group, and can engage in class solidarity through union organization, which raises working conditions and wages for all workers.
Imma go ahead and say the income tax & VAT combined don't equal 97B.
Additionally, imma guess immigrants took out much less than the 97B they put into the system.
Fact check me.
We don't have VAT in the US and we don't track sales tax. This is from two sources. Immigrants that can use a tax ID number, and immigrants that cannot but still have taxes withheld from their paycheck. So the only effect is they can't get a refund.
Just say you care about money more than people. It's quicker and easier to ignore you than when you sputter out some pseudointellectual nonsense.