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  • I have one of these assholes next door. It could be 4 in the morning and said shit, revving in the driveway for ten+ minutes before riding off. Then you still have to wait for them to get a hold away before you get any peace. These same shit stains are always blasting classic rock through their tiny motorcycle speakers loud enough to hear over the already deafening exhaust.

    But he's not even the worst offender on my street. There are three homes, each with more vehicles than driveway that have diesel trucks and wannabe race cars. For whatever reason these idiots all leave their shit idling for up to an hour at a time. It is not unusual for multiple vehicles to just be running at any given time day or night while my personal possessions vibrate uncontrollably. There may also be music blasting from one or more of these vehicles. The noise is the worst part but depending on the wind I also get exhaust fumes entering my bedroom when I'm just trying to exist.

    If you guessed that this is in Florida you'd be right. Can't wait to escape this hellhole.

  • dude...your bike is farting so loud you gave grandma a heart attack...that's not as cool as you imagine it to be :/

  • Somehow, it's more annoying to me when it's someone's beat up Honda Civic that they've deliberately modded to be louder than thunder. Like...really?

  • I hate ICE motorcycle/moped for that. They're by default loud, louder than ICE car, and sometime people will mod it even louder for "safety" because they weave dangerously and want people to know they're there. It's the reason i appreciate electric motorcycle, they're so damn quiet.

    • The safety isn't about lane filtering so much as just intersections, but yeah it's a rubbish argument and any biker making it should shut the fuck up if they don't wear hi-vis on every ride

      • No, i genuinely mean weave, at high speed, because they will came in in 90/100kmph in a 60/70kmph traffic and expect people to see them. It's one of the main cause of high motorcyclist death in Malaysia.