This bridge goes through the water and not over it, The Netherlands
This bridge goes through the water and not over it, The Netherlands
This bridge goes through the water and not over it, The Netherlands
The Dutch, not content with merely driving the sea back, now seek to taunt and humiliate it
Not unlike the mighty Beaver, the Dutch have an instinctual drive to bend water to their will
And much like the beaver, many of our artificial flavors are made from the expressed anal glands of the Dutch.
Even the history of this is fascinating. This is the "Moses Bridge", and it's a renovated part of the old dyke system that was used to prevent attacking armies from getting in - because the dykes and levee's had blocked the sea so effectively, they realised they could stop attackers by... flooding them out. Literally.
When it came to renovate this area, they wanted to provide access without denigrating the fact it was an old defensive structure, hence this unique sea-level bridge.
The world loves dutch pragmatism. "You don't want this? Well, fuck it. We just do it that way then. Everyone happy? Fine. Done."
Germans could learn a thing or two...
I feel like that shit floods every time it rains lol. I'm curious how they would drain it.
Wow. There is very small margin for overflowing here...
Don't worry the Dutch know what they're doing when it comes to water.
There's probably an overflow spillway for the whole pond out of frame.
Correct. That bridge is meant to flex on water control. This is near a place that is susceptible to river floods.
That just adds to the fun.
So it's the Berlin Wall for fish...
"Fuck you fish" -The Dutch apparently
This looks like something someone would make in Rollercoaster Tycoon
Even knowing it's real, it feels like one of those photo-realistic concept art pieces, or a weird AI diffusion that screwed up how bridges work.
Looks inefficient resourcewise.
Dutch people really hate water huh
And if it floods then....?
it doesn't flood, this is the netherlands
Then you go around, duh.
It's all water besides the bridge now
Is there an underpass for fish and such?
Naw, fish can jump over or pound sand.
No, there's a fish bridge just off scene.
That looks like a neat experience until there's a slight breeze.
How does this work? Wouldn't even a light rainfall cause it to flood in on itself?
It would have drainage on a slope that goes to somewhere even lower.
The bridge is waterproof and the water is a moat. You can find more info about it here.
I appreciate that, but even waterproof things can be underwater and moat water can rise. I'm curious about how the drainage works.
Now they are just mocking climate change and the rising seas, and asking some eldritch sea gods to punish them.
What's this Minecraft world's seed?
Truman Show IRL
Double dam
I imagine that the footpath has holes at the bottom to allow any excess water to drain out.
That would just make it flood through those holes.