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If you don't want EVERYONE to participate in your community, then you should really make it private.

I just got permanently banned from a community for making a single harmless remark on a single post that was right there in the main feed. It's not a community I'm super active in so it's not like devastating, but it is annoying

If your precious little community is full of so many delicate sensitive people who can't even be reminded that another viewpoint even exists, then you should really protect them by defederating and having everyone join your private website

The mod has literally removed like 75% of the comments and banned everyone lol

I don't know about anyone else, but I don't have time to read every rule for every community that pops up when I'm in view all

  • So, like, if I organize a block party where everyone's invited, and someone drops a deuce in the punch bowl, I shouldn't ask them to leave?

    • I'd say it's more like I went to a party where the host invited the entire block but only wants people there wearing funny hats, but didn't tell anyone they had to wear a funny hat and then called the police to complain that their house is full of people who aren't wearing funny hats.

      I'd take the ban without question if I was acting like an ass on there, but all I did was make a comment that didn't specifically agree with them that everyone who isn't vegan is apparently a horrible person who persecutes vegans constantly lol

      • but didn't tell anyone they had to wear a funny hat

        FYI, I don't know the specific case here, just being generic.

        The rules are right there in the sidebar in pretty much all clients, though it varies on mobile depending on app/web UI. Most communities here have rules. Society has rules. Ignorance of those rules, whether accidental or willful, is never a valid excuse for breaking them. "I'm sorry, officer, I didn't know I couldn't do that" isn't a valid legal strategy.

        To return to the analogy: it would be like showing up to the event without a funny hat despite the invitation clearly stating that a funny hat is required and then being asked to leave. It's on the attendee to read the details on the invitation and be aware of any requirements.

        "Calling the police" would be more akin to escalating to a site admin to have you banned for that which, I agree, would be extreme unless the person decided to be an ass and make a scene on the way out (not throwing shade with that, just using an actual party example I've had to deal with).

    • Yeah, I don't really get it either.

      You don't have to comment on everything you see. Seems more logical to focus on a few communities you know, and pay more attention when you browse All.

      Even if you comment, it's okay to be banned. Move on. Why make a post to complain about it if you don't care?

  • Nah, a ton of people say the same thing.

    They're wrong, and so are the immediate bans (the bans are asshole moves, but you don't just jump into a C/ without checking the vibe a little), but it's too common a complaint to call unpopular.

  • Upvoted as unpopular. I don't know if I agree with this or not (on general grounds), it's extremely complicated.

    In theory it's completely OK to have a community for a restricted but non-private demographic, and often it's how you avoid a crowd of "excuuuuse me, I'm going to debate the same stale points over and over, and I expect you to waste your time with me".

    In practice we know that there's a high chance that the community evolves into an echo chamber, of the dumbest type - that claps to convenient idiocy, but ridicules inconvenient truth.

    If it's sensible to have a community like this, as well as the outcome of having it like this, depends mostly on the sanity of whoever is in charge of the comm.

    [Edited for subtle rewording. No change on discourse.]

  • Yeah, I'm pretty sure I just got banned from that community and I've literally never posted in it. I've downvoted some posts, but they're all pretty antagonistic, so what else else am i gonna do when it shows up in my feed?

    • so what else else am i gonna do when it shows up in my feed?

      Block it?

      • I guess I could, but I don't feel the need to turn my feed into an echo chamber. I'm not going to go to the community to pick a fight, but I'm not going to hide from content I don't agree with. I'll just downvote it and move on. Besides, the OP is right; if the mods don't want their community to get downvoted, it's their responsibility to make their community private, not my responsibility to block their shitty content.

  • I actually really wish we could flag communities or posts as "excluded from the main feed."

    There have been several posts I've made or that my bot has made (from community specific RSS feeds) that get down votes seemingly from people completely outside of the community.

    For instance, I had a post about a heavy Standard Notes discount ... pretty relevant to Standard Notes users; down voted like crazy in the early days of

    Similarly, the other day Bungie made several post about Destiny around the same time. The bot faithfully posted all of them, but several got down voted, almost definitely because someone who didn't care about Destiny down voted the "spam" since several posts were about Destiny around the same time in the "main feed" (and they were probably sorting by "New").

    My retort/unpopular opinion: There's no recommendation algorithm, if it's not a community you're subscribed to, and you don't care about it ... what the heck are you doing engaging with it? Move on to the next post or block the community.

    Alternatively, we should be able to block interactions from people who haven't subscribed to the community without limiting federation or making it moderator only.

    When you down vote a post of a community you're not a part of you're actively hurting its surfacing in the feeds of people in that community that use feed algorithms other than "New" or "Controversial".

    • My retort/unpopular opinion: There’s no recommendation algorithm, if it’s not a community you’re subscribed to, and you don’t care about it … what the heck are you doing engaging with it? Move on to the next post or block the community.


      Alternatively, we should be able to block interactions from people who haven’t subscribed to the community without limiting federation or making it moderator only

      At the moment, the only option is to ban them

  • I moderated a left wing community at one point, so by your logic I should allow Liberals to flood the community until its no longer left wing? Im not saying Liberals aren't allowed but its stated clearly in the sidebar that they shouldn't talk over the intended audience (left wingers).