The future of | Looking for Feedback
Hello everyone,
As many of you know, has been using the same design for quite some time now. While it's served us well, some community members have mentioned that the current look is starting to feel a bit dated & amateur.
The Monero Website work group is looking for some more community feedback to be discussed at the next meeting (feel free to join!).
Would you prefer to keep the current design, or should we consider refreshing it? We’ve received two alternative concepts by community members Diego and hammermann (linked below) and would love to get your feedback.
Please let us know your thoughts! What do you like about the current site? What would you change? If you prefer one of the new concepts, tell us why. Your input is invaluable as we move forward with making any potential changes.
Don't like dark website for something that is eluminating as monero. Also...are we funding Diago so he may expand into property management for his next business or something?
Maybe they can use a framework that makes it easy to press a button to switch between light and dark views. I'd prefer it if every website used dark mode.