thank you Cenk, very cool!
thank you Cenk, very cool!
everything the TV man says must be entertained. it is all well-founded and based on real things that are happening! we must listen and learn to both sides of the aisle
thank you Cenk, very cool!
everything the TV man says must be entertained. it is all well-founded and based on real things that are happening! we must listen and learn to both sides of the aisle
Should American citizens do literally anything good for anyone ever even a tiny bit?
It would be the most benign thing I have ever paid for as an "american" citizen
no one even pays for it, the healthcare workers will be paid regardless of whether a detained undocumented immigrant gets a bottom surgery. at best, it could be argued that it takes time away from surgeries for documented citizens. but the amount of detained undocumented immigrants seeking GRS would be negligible.
I did my best 30 seconds of googling and found that in 2018, about 84000 illegal immigrants were incarcerated in the US. If we assume about 2% of them are trans, looking for reassignment, which I believe was the last percentage of US people identifying as trans, we're looking at like 2000 surgeries.
The horror!
Nice way of putting it to be honest
Remember when TYT was somewhat progressive? Now it's just pandering to chuds.
I don't even understand who their audience is anymore, I can't imagine a full on chud watching TYT but I also can't really imagine libs watching it
I can't imagine a full on chud watching TYT
I actually do know chuds who watch TYT, and it's how they form their perception of "the left"
My gut says non-white CHUDs. Fox is a little too hateful to brown people, so there's a niche there.
This is what happens when you attach yourself to the democratic party - you start following it's course
Yes, obviously.
Providing healthcare is a core responsibility of the state.
who is still watching TYT in 2024, and why
Blue MAGA who are too young to watch MSNBC.
My Gen X stepdad has been watching them religiously for the better part of a year. Every night I hear Cenk and Ana's voices booming from the TV for hours.
this isn't happening, but now that you mention it
Cenk is turning into a Drunk Facebook Uncle
The Young TERFs
Automatic YES!!
Bro I can't even get free bottom surgery and I'm a citizen, what the fuck are they even talking about
Yeah this is the engagement that's needed. I got a better one.... Should the young turks change their channels name?
Yes obviously
The Piker Thanksgiving is gonna be FUCKED this year.
Yeah, this is going to bring back all those subscribers Cenk.
This aint it jack
But also, this isn't a real thing happening on any scale greater than literally one person.
This is one of those things that weirdo trans-fixated dumbasses on Twitter probably found one instance of happening and because "immigrant bad! (But not me!) transgender bad! Government spending bad!" to right wingers, it's something to pump forever with no significant pushback from the democrats. Great country. Wow. (now all of that is firmly shared by both pro-capitalist right wing US parties. They used to pretend to care about the first, half-ass acknowledgement of the second, and, well, they've always been against government spending. Since Dipshit Carter anyway)
Broke: They're taking our jobs!
Woke: They're taking our boob-jobs!
A news org that shares a name with a group of genocidaires turns out to be reactionary? I'm shocked, truly
Hitler called Turkey a shining star in the darkness. That means that Hitler found their accomplishments inspirational.
Holy loaded question, Batman!
Also yes, even from a calculating center-right standpoint I want prisons to be as expensive and inefficient as possible so all arrests come with the strictest of scrutiny. Want to imprison someone? Prove in court that there is no other alternative.
Its called Universal for a reason.
Isn’t this a joke? Like this is something ridiculous Trump claimed was happening in the debate iirc.
if it is tongue and cheek, then it shouldn’t be like, last I checked, 91% No.
bit fell flat or Ana and Cenk being unhinged about crime and trans issues again. Always good to remember that Ana fell for the “non-surgery transmascs want you to refer to their genitalia as bonus hole” fearmongering (even if this was actually a phenomenon and not like one quip by a doctor or a transmasc person, like… oh no. the fucking horror. who cares dickhead) and got really mad about it on a podcast
TYT was also so transphobic during all of that the trans journalists working for them quit.
Yeah I’m not saying it wouldn’t be on brand. More saying I wanted to make sure I had the context right.
people are making up slang terms for their genitals... this is new and shocking to me also I am a real person.
Brb, going to renounce my citizenship and jump the boarder till I get caught so I can have healthcare.
TYT has always given me the ick. I remember when they first started and I tried watching them. Couldn't do it. Too much libshit pretending to be leftwing. I've been vindicated and if I ever see Cenk IRL I'll be the smuggest fucker in the room.
Cenk heckling Charlie Kirk was pretty funny, tho.
Does Cenk believe healthcare is a human right? The answer just might suprise you!
We asked americans if prisoners should get healthcare, the results will surprise you!