What If Trump Wins?
What If Trump Wins?

The chaos and lawlessness of the first term could pale in comparison to what comes next.

Paywall removed: https://archive.is/bDghs
What If Trump Wins?
The chaos and lawlessness of the first term could pale in comparison to what comes next.
Paywall removed: https://archive.is/bDghs
Scary bedtime read.
I believe what the democrats say about Trump and the republican party. Do the democrats believe what they say? If so, why won't they drop gun control considering this existential threat?
Just one of the many reasons the working class must never disarm. The cops aren't going to protect us. Feel free to recall the George floydd protests and their many extra judicial murders if you need a reminder.
Also, for my fellow LGBTQ+ family: https://www.pinkpistols.org/find-a-local-chapter/
I like how Democrats are recycling the exact same fearmongering of 2016. The world is ending again!1
You doubt anything that was said here? This is all based on Trump's own words and actions. He already tried a coup once, what makes you think he won't do it again after learning from his previous mistakes?
Care to defend those claims or are you just making noise?