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Bulletins and News Discussion from September 9th to September 15th, 2024 - Viva Sandino! - COTW: Nicaragua

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It takes very little effort to find an article from Western state propaganda decrying Daniel Ortega and the Sandinistas as authoritarian and rife with human rights abuses. This is the natural reaction the US has to any successful liberation movement. This fairly long report from Jason Cohen, a socialist who travelled to Nicaragua one week ago, should quell any suspicions.

He describes a country with high political consciousness among the masses, who are working to construct critical infrastructure for the country and their communities. There is a virtual education system that is free across the entire nation, which serves the dual goal of democratizing education and ensuring that those in rural areas or without much free time for university can still achieve degrees and a quality education; and these classes cover technical skills in the production of infrastructure and agriculture, but also political and ideological education in order to counter the fascist propaganda produced by imperialist nations abroad.

While Nicaragua is deeply invested in its nationality and national figures who led to their socialist revolution, such as Sandino, they are also immensely proud of their indigneous history, recognizing it as also part of their anti-colonial history which continues to the present day. Additionally, they honour the struggles of other nations on the continent, such as the Bolivarian Revolution in Venezuela, as well as Castro in Cuba and Allende in Chile. Countries around the world are also celebrated and admired, such as Burkina Faso; during the Reagan administration, Nicaragua and Burkina Faso were comrades in arms, and now Traore is continuing the legacy of Sankara's anti-imperialism in the present. Perhaps most relevant today is their dedication towards Palestine, involving the creation of the Parque Palestina (shown in the post image), in which the Palestinian flag flies alongside the flag of Nicaragua. In July, Leila Khaled of the PFLP gave a speech in Nicaragua, in which the solidarity of the two nations was highlighted.

The COTW (Country of the Week) label is designed to spur discussion and debate about a specific country every week in order to help the community gain greater understanding of the domestic situation of often-understudied nations. If you've wanted to talk about the country or share your experiences, but have never found a relevant place to do so, now is your chance! However, don't worry - this is still a general news megathread where you can post about ongoing events from any country.

The Country of the Week is Nicaragua! Feel free to chime in with books, essays, longform articles, even stories and anecdotes or rants. More detail here.

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  • KKKamala is cooking trump lmao

    its so joever. he shouldn't have dodged the bullet tbh smh my penis head

    • Going to be honest, I thought the opposite. Yes Trump said a lot of crazy things ("execute the babies", "immigrants are eating dogs and cats" for example), that's his modus operandi. It's what he does. People by now already have an opinion on it. This was Harris' chance to impress with people that don't know her, and she just ended up saying the same old neoliberal nonsense. To be honest, it sounded more like neoconservativism with how much she tried to outflank Trump from the right, how much racism was present in her answers, and with how hawkish her foreign policy sounded. Her only clear strong point was abortion, where you can say that she clearly won.

      • she looked a lot better than biden and hit on all the libshit that will energize the dems

        i'm not election-headed enough to know how much the nazism on palestine and the border hurts her in the farce of US elections (?swing states??) but she did bring up several good responses and key points (not centered of course) that will capture a lot of talk when the media starts using it for fodder

        mentioning the central park 5 was very politic (even though her delivery was shit) and can definitely be turned into some very good propo for her

        • The thing is with Trump, is that everyone already knows that. They know that he's a racist idiot that kept insisting that the central park five are guilty and did birther conspiracies about Obama. It's decades old news. If that was enough to get people to stop voting for Trump, it would've already changed their minds. Trump is a known quantity here. People have already made up their minds on that. With Harris, she's a relatively unknown quantity, and I don't think she did enough to decisively create a good impression to people that don't know about her.

          • this reifies and confirms that opposition to Trump. i agree that it was far from a good performance, but specifics of where she's anti-Trump when she spent an hour trying to be more right-wing than him will help her once the actual debate fades and we're left with references to and opinion pieces about it.

            i'll be real i have no idea how the election is going to go, i really (foolishly) thought the dems would do the obvious thing and pretend the new candidate was totally separate from Biden & dump everything negative on his ass so my whole analysis is just

      • That was my take too. Kamal's end statement "we are looking forward they are looking back" is just a repackage of "hope" and she failed to prove that she is looking forward or that trump is stuck in the past so it really just fell flat. Trumps "democrats are weak leaders" rings true.

    • He really only looked viable running against a corpse apparently.