Why YAML sucks?
Why YAML sucks?
I feel that Yaml sucks. I understand the need for such markup language but I think it sucks. Somehow it's clunky to use. Can you explain why?
Why YAML sucks?
I feel that Yaml sucks. I understand the need for such markup language but I think it sucks. Somehow it's clunky to use. Can you explain why?
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Yes, they could've just used JSON. Totally pointless waste of time.
JSON does lack comments. And numbers that are not 64 floats.
TFB, the numbers are not defined as 64 bits floats.
They are just not defined. At all.
Exactly that's a job for the parser / consumer.
That's a valid point.
There are two kinds of good serialization languages, the ones where values are black boxes and only serialize the data structure, and the ones where everything is completely determined and can be turned directly into an API.
JSON is neither, but it's closer to the first than YAML. XML is the first, while the SOAP standard almost turns it into the second. TOML is about as close to the first as JSON.
Readability in general sucks
There's a spec for json with comments. It's better than yaml in every way.
And lack of trailing comma's
There's a lot of JSON parsers that don't mind to see comments there, just ignore them. And there's also the "_comment" / "$comment" thing.
So Poe's Law and all that... I really hope you're being sarcastic because having non-technical people hand edit JSON is a nightmare. It's also quite annoying to read without a lot of extra whitespace which most editors that'd help less technical folks omit... and comments to help highlight what different things mean are hacky, hard to read, and actually read as data.
No, I'm kind of serious, the comment situation is already solved in JSON... about the rest yeah, Yaml might be easier but the different isn't that much. Non tech people can't edit Yaml properly either so.