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  • Onto my sixth load of washing today and I might squeeze in a seventh as I think the sheets will dry quickly (been doing clothes, towels, oodie, blanket, doona cover/pillowcases...) What a relief, i havent changed my bedclothes in ages and the whole house feels so much fresher now that all of this is getting washed.

    Going in and out has also definitely helped break the monotony of today's work, which I just have no mood to do at all. People suck!

    E: that was a long day and I didn't get everything done. But I do have heaps of laundry to fold tonight after dinner! Even the cuffs of the oodie are dry which is a surprise given it was only out for about 2 hours.

    I've been watching Los Espookys after enjoying Fantasmas so much and it's a nice low key fun show in Spanish. I really hope Fred Armisen's characters daughter gets impaled in the second season though, the aggro shtick didn't fly as humour

  • I have been well fed.

    Nothing beats a simple beef sausage and bread with tomato sauce with some coleslaw.

    I’m now kicking back on the coach trying not to fall into a coma now.

  • Any of you sewing types successfully Re-elasticated a bottom sheet? I suspect attempting such would be economically inefficient and I should rag bag it.

    • It depends. Is is elastic in a pocket or sewed directly onto the sheet? I've done both, rethreading the first type with a safety pin took a while, but the overlocker does a reasonable job on the second.

    • Is it something some fitted sheet clips can fix?

    • Only tried once, and it was at best a very qualified success. Removed all the elastic, hemmed the raw edge and sewed on 2 tie tapes per corner. The problem was adjusting the knots on the tapes when putting the sheet back on the bed. Maybe using a strip of elastic instead of tapes would work? Sorta kinda like the elasticated tapes on a mattress protector sheet. On the plus side, the sheet was very easy to wash and fold once the tapes were untied.

      • This mattress is way too heavy to tie under! Diagonal elastic corners would be an affordable experiment

    • Elastic is expensive. Unless it is a nearly new sheet that cost hundreds I wouldn't

      • Exactly, the sheet isn’t utterly dead but far from new. Better used as draft fabric me thinks.

    • I have never but I'd still give it a go. All I'd do is reinforce the corners.

  • Bailed on work early to get to GP appointment. My lovely GP is running behind 30min+ and counting. I need to be elsewhere at 5.45pm. I also parked in the city to make my appointment.

    I could have gone home and walked in if I knew. Damnit.

  • Forecast changed to sunny today, best time to be wfh. Washing machine running overtime after having taken a break for 10 days. The air is bitingly cold though, not sure how dry my clothes will get

    • Also on the major washing choo choo. I like the odds.

      • Yeah it turns out my clothes are getting turbo dried by the wind even though the air is a bit cold and the sun is not constant. Towels never dried this fast outside of summer!

        On my fourth load now... two more to go that should dry faster. I believe in you laundry. Let's do it.

  • How is it that some people can give you a pep talk about looking after yourself and not getting dragged by other people, then text you a rant about their own dramas an hour later? How much time do you think it takes to get my brain de-stressed and back on track, Doris*?

    *Apologies to any actual Doris's out there.

  • I was craving lasagne but don't have any lasagne sheets, so I've made a mock lasagne with layers of fettuccini instead. Now I just have to wait for it to bake.

    • Bellissimo! 👩‍🍳😙👌

    • What was it like? I knew an Italian woman who occasionally used to make lasagna with this flatbread stuff, I think it was that mountain bread or sorj bread? Said it came out perfectly fine.

      • Tasted great, just doesn't hold together as well as lasagne sheets would so presentation was a bit of a mess.