Daily Discussion Thread: 👙 🐈👙🐈 Wednesday, September 4, 2024
Daily Discussion Thread: 👙 🐈👙🐈 Wednesday, September 4, 2024
Daily Discussion Thread: 👙 🐈👙🐈 Wednesday, September 4, 2024
I just got a random email from someone saying they love reading my books and I am one of their favourite authors ever.
I figured it was just a spam email since I get them frequently - usually wanting to sell me something - and its too my author outlook email which is advertised in the books and on my twitter profile, etc.
Check the email address and it's from an education email address - so the ones they give assign to kids at school.
Could still be a bored student taking the piss, but I choose to believe I just got my first ever fan e-mail.
I would have loved to have you in as a book week author but my clientele are just a bit too young I reckon.
That nice fuzzy warm feeling when someone appreciates your work is so heartwarming.
It is an amazing feeling. Really motivates me to keep going when that motivation can be lacking.
So I've completed 3/4 knowledge assessments, and submitted 2/4 practical assessments. Tomorrow is prac day, so I can ask the questions I need, finish up the one assessment I still need to do, and then submit those. Then I'll check the last quiz tomorrow afternoon, and attempt it, note down any questions and save it for Friday. Once that last one is done, I'm finished with my classes for the semester and can enjoy some holidays!
I still can't believe I've changed my trajectory.
Well done. You've worked your butt off and now you're kicking ass!
☺️ thank you! I couldn't have done it without the support of you and the DT! 💜
yay, happy dance 🙂
Eeeeeee!!!! 🙌🙌
I admire your organisational skills and motivation, good on you!
ta da, I finished the little cabinet and have loaded up some of my shell collection. I think it looks pretty cool and I'm well pleased with how it turned out. 🙂
Looks great. Do you polish the shells yourself?
No, except for a few cameo and scrimshaw cowries they are all natural.
Not long back from the vet.
Results of second and more comprehensive ultrasound - Sammi has pancreatitis.
Hopefully they'll be able to control it with cortisone injections.
Also she got a bravery award from the ultrasound people and the staff said she was a model patient and love her. Which is nice. 😊
No wonder she felt so poorly!
Aw poor baby, pancreatitis is so painful 😣 I hope that if she is back with you, that it is a mild form of it and she'll make a full recovery! She's a toughie and I'm positive she can pull through! 💜💜
Poor baby :( Such a good girl.
Melbcat was on steroid tablets for a while, didn’t know there were shots.
Oh poor Sammi. Fingers crossed for the treatment 🤞
poor sweetheart
she needs all the hugs
She's still Very Cross with me, so most I can manage is a stealthy head snuggle 😂
Poor Sammi cat, she has been through a lot. At least there's answers now. I hope the treatment works too
Oh ouch! Poor squish
Poor fluffball. Fingers crossed for a speedy recovery ❤️
Onto my sixth load of washing today and I might squeeze in a seventh as I think the sheets will dry quickly (been doing clothes, towels, oodie, blanket, doona cover/pillowcases...) What a relief, i havent changed my bedclothes in ages and the whole house feels so much fresher now that all of this is getting washed.
Going in and out has also definitely helped break the monotony of today's work, which I just have no mood to do at all. People suck!
E: that was a long day and I didn't get everything done. But I do have heaps of laundry to fold tonight after dinner! Even the cuffs of the oodie are dry which is a surprise given it was only out for about 2 hours.
I've been watching Los Espookys after enjoying Fantasmas so much and it's a nice low key fun show in Spanish. I really hope Fred Armisen's characters daughter gets impaled in the second season though, the aggro shtick didn't fly as humour
Surprisingly easier to disconnect from work thoughts with this job.
It only matters when I'm sitting in front of the laptop, and then, it's over.
Kinda nice for a change.
I’m normally happy being frugal, it’s been a way of life for so long. But I have to say I’m getting really sick of it being so severely enforced. Especially as disability = hard mode.
I’m not happy with the direction Australia is going for any of us. As much as people tighten their belts it’s pointless. Corporations and banks just take more, the government just cuts more. The severity of this could have been avoided.
It's great to be frugal, but shitty to have absolutely no other choice but to have it so ruthlessly rammed down your throat. The farmer struggles for a minimal return, consumers pay a premium for bare essentials and the fat cats and shareholders in the middle get all the cream. Grocery shopping is essential and should be treated as such, with essential items price protected, but time and time again governments are gutless wonders.
All meetings cancelled. Party time 🎉
All meetings finished 💥
I have been well fed.
Nothing beats a simple beef sausage and bread with tomato sauce with some coleslaw.
I’m now kicking back on the coach trying not to fall into a coma now.
Government House. I think the photo didn't load. Here for a friend's OAM.
Two days with "we couldn't deliver". Two days I've been here all day. Either they are not trying or they can't figure out how to operate a buzzer.
EDIT: more ranting Oh and now they have cut me off from the phone line three times in a row. I'm now on chat to Amazon making a complaint. I've never had anything delivered by Dragonfly couriers before - this is terrible
EDIT EDIT: Ok I know amazon are evil and all that, but 3 mins in the chat and they are sending me a replacement with a new courier company. THat is nice
Looking forward to the post apocalypse, just so I can build a shack and call it my own. Defend it with some pitchforks and I'm sorted. May the enshittification continue so that one day I may own a home lol
It's so nice how little my work have for my regard they schedule some randoms to have a meeting in my 'office' and not tell me.
So work from home today.
thats pretty poor!
Par for the course for this place.
Training is draining. Today is day 8 of training in new job and I'm tired. Still another week and a half at least of just training. Feels like my cup is full but they just keep on pouring, and now that stuff theyre pouring is spilling out of the cup onto the table, dribbling off the table onto my pants so it looks like I've peed myself. Peed myself with excess knowledge.
I've been training myself pretty much. Using the company "Ai".
No train, no gain, Force! cracks whip You shall imbibe of The Knowledge until it flows out of all your orifices like a jacuzzi!
No but srsly that first firehose/info dump is hectic especially if you have superiors whose brains maybe work differently and just go at full speed in bursts and expect everyone else's to. Hopefully it all gets less overwhelming after the first month
be grateful it is water not curry
i was there three thousand years months ago and now i can confidently answer the new trainees’ questions
making my own notes also helped a lot if they allow you to bring it home to study
Peed myself with excess knowledge.
Don’t know why, but this is just hilarious to me.
Today's little "hobby from a distance" is looking at vinyls and high end hi-fi equipment I can't afford
A Baku can dream
I hear you. Just picked up the Pro-ject Debut Evo and the S2 Tube Pre-amp. Vinyls are also holding their value, so I’m curious how rebuilding a collection will be.
I really want to get into the vinyls, but most of them seem to be between 70-170 bucks a record. And then there's the whole player + preamp/amp, and speaker situation 😭
I'll have to stick to being gobsmacked at a distance
When I win the lottery I'm getting these;
when it comes to sound systems the sky is the limit
For me it's travel and dining out in various places whilst I'm doing it sighs
Any of you sewing types successfully Re-elasticated a bottom sheet? I suspect attempting such would be economically inefficient and I should rag bag it.
Is it something some fitted sheet clips can fix?
Only tried once, and it was at best a very qualified success. Removed all the elastic, hemmed the raw edge and sewed on 2 tie tapes per corner. The problem was adjusting the knots on the tapes when putting the sheet back on the bed. Maybe using a strip of elastic instead of tapes would work? Sorta kinda like the elasticated tapes on a mattress protector sheet. On the plus side, the sheet was very easy to wash and fold once the tapes were untied.
This mattress is way too heavy to tie under! Diagonal elastic corners would be an affordable experiment
Elastic is expensive. Unless it is a nearly new sheet that cost hundreds I wouldn't
Exactly, the sheet isn’t utterly dead but far from new. Better used as draft fabric me thinks.
I have never but I'd still give it a go. All I'd do is reinforce the corners.
Bailed on work early to get to GP appointment. My lovely GP is running behind 30min+ and counting. I need to be elsewhere at 5.45pm. I also parked in the city to make my appointment.
I could have gone home and walked in if I knew. Damnit.
Forecast changed to sunny today, best time to be wfh. Washing machine running overtime after having taken a break for 10 days. The air is bitingly cold though, not sure how dry my clothes will get
Also on the major washing choo choo. I like the odds.
Yeah it turns out my clothes are getting turbo dried by the wind even though the air is a bit cold and the sun is not constant. Towels never dried this fast outside of summer!
On my fourth load now... two more to go that should dry faster. I believe in you laundry. Let's do it.
When I was a teenager I was learning German and saving money to go. Disability put a stop to that, it’s not a realistic option now, but I wonder what life would have been like if I had been able to emigrate.
I’m aware that the living costs are also high in Europe. You don’t necessarily get an aged pension as an expat. Jobs could be competitive and social norms difficult. Nowhere is a utopia and it’s likely that wouldn’t have worked out for me.
But you know. Longer term leases and tenants rights. Building standards. Dental. Less of an overt meth problem. You wonder.
I know a bit of German in the hope that I would one day emigrate. Though my reasons for not doing so are different (stupid fat money-sucking ex lol), I still enjoy reading and writing German, and learning. I feel closer to my ancestry by doing so, and it sparked my obsessive fascination with linguists, etymology, and language in general (my current research is Proto-Finnish and other Uralic languages, specifically it's a bit more recent in that I am learning why they chose a Latin alphabet despite Finnish being entirely unrelated to any PIE language).
What I'm trying to say, sorry, is that we can still pursue the things we enjoy, even if the method of doing so is a bit different due to L I F E.
But yes, one can dream of long term leases and better renter rights, though I heard the AfD has been elected in some states, so I guess no where is safe from the stupid Far/Alt Right
Love this.
Funny, Finnish came up in dinner convo this evening because someone didn’t care for the sound, but I dig it. And the fact I survived a month on Hei and Kiitos is like a highlight. Hehe.
Finland isn’t doing too badly either. Their energy costs went below zero due to so much renewable.
…Damn it. I missed the opportunity to apply for the $250 energy rebate. I set a reminder but put it for August not June. /facepalm
Edit: or did I? It said 2023-2024 so was there another one or did it just close this late? I’m going to set a reminder for May or June next year to remind myself to check
I have thoughts like this sometimes, but from a different angle. I try not to dwell on them, otherwise I'd become wistful for a dream. There's nothing wrong with that really, but for me, it hurts.
How is it that some people can give you a pep talk about looking after yourself and not getting dragged by other people, then text you a rant about their own dramas an hour later? How much time do you think it takes to get my brain de-stressed and back on track, Doris*?
*Apologies to any actual Doris's out there.
I look at it as the same as a smoker is telling you from experience that you shouldn't smoke. It's valid advice.
A lot of advice I've received over the years has come from a place of "don't repeat my fuckups".
I'm reading the Alien 3 screenplay by William Gibson after watching Alien: Romulus. It's great to see Newt and Hicks get proper character moments in a follow up story. And from what I understand, the story does things with the Aliens we haven't seen on screen yet.
Also, it sucks that they killed off Newt at the start of Alien 3, but something had to be done about her. At the end of Aliens she went into the sleep pod, so she would look a lot like she did once she came out.
The movie languished in development hell for years. As a teenaged girl she'd look very different in Alien 3 to how she did in Aliens. With all the production problems behind Alien 3, it seems like the easiest option than come up with an in universe reason why she's aged. If they went with Gibson's script and got Alien 3 out 2 years or so after Aliens they could have covered it up a lot more.
I had no idea this existed. Thank you!
William Gibson of Neuromancer fame? 😲
The very same. There are a few unproduced Alien 3 scripts around but Gibson's is considered the best we could have got.
Unfortunately I haven't found a PDF but this is the best web version I've found. I saved it to Pocket and I'm reading it on my Kobo
Fuck those people.
Found this on yt. Nellie-specific info starts after 8.30 mins. Good if simplistic overview of marsupials in the early bit. numbats
Azaleas popping
Always wanted to try mad honey (in low doses) but it's stupid expensive.
Beep Beep 🚚
🍏🍎🍐🍊🍋🍈🫐🍓🍇🍉🍌🍒🍑🥭🍍🥥🥦🥑🫛🍆🍅🥝🥬🥒🌽🥕🥐🍠🫚🥔🧅🥯🍞🥖🥨🧀🧇🥞🧈🍳🥚🥓🥩🍗🍖🫓🍕🍟🍔🌭🥙🧆🌮🌯🥗🍲🍜🍝🥘🍛🍣🍱🥟🦪🍥🍘🍚🍙🐠🍤🪼🦀🐙 🍗🥮🍢🍡🍧🍰🧁🥧🍦🍨🎂🍮🍭🍬🍫🥜🌰🍪🍿🍯🥛☕️🍵🍺🍶🥤🧋🧃🥂🍷🥃🍸🍹🧉🔋
Blue Heaven spider and coconut macaroons please.
+1 on the spider!
Pan fried flathead pls with chips with garlic aioli and tartare.
I wuz thinking, there are about 60,000 people living my area and there is one little electronic waste disposal service at the library.
Where are people really dumping their unwanted phones and other electronic goods?
I use the specific bins at the transfer station (tip).
If my electrical goods are genuinely beyond repair they go out to the hard rubbish and strangely disappear before the collection day. Old phones which have a still usable camera get set up with the Alfred app and become a security camera. Any non usable ones go to the box at the front of my local Woolies along with my dead batteries. Some repair places take old laptops etc as part of a trade (like Renewd) and presumably use them for parts.
strangely disappear before the collection day.
That'd be my Opa; he'll take your broken appliances and electrical goods and repair it in his shed so he can learn how it works. 😂
Phones, they usually keep in the junk drawer or a box at home.
Other electronic goods.....recycling bin or regular rubbish.
Most people don't care to be honest.
Phones, they usually keep in the junk drawer or a box at home
Most people don’t care to be honest.
It must be this.
There's one at most tips.
Supermarkets near me have battery bins. Otherwise the post label ybing already mentioned.
Mobile Muster has drop off points at lots of phone shops, you can also get a free shipping label from AusPost. They take phones, phone accessories, modems, smart watches etc. but do not accept every type of ewaste.
IKEA will take light bulbs and batteries. Officeworks will take ink cartridges and storage media (CDs, hard drives).
Sounds like you've already checked out your local council's service. City of Melbourne will accept larger ewaste at a few locations. If you live in an apartment building you might be able to book an ewaste wheelie bin.
I looked up the council web site and they include toasters, vacuums, printers, irons, etc etc as ewaste . I don't see any of that stuff at the ewaste centre.
Officeworks and supermarkets, local buy nothing
wtf, it's going to be 15 next thursday
I was craving lasagne but don't have any lasagne sheets, so I've made a mock lasagne with layers of fettuccini instead. Now I just have to wait for it to bake.
Bellissimo! 👩🍳😙👌
What was it like? I knew an Italian woman who occasionally used to make lasagna with this flatbread stuff, I think it was that mountain bread or sorj bread? Said it came out perfectly fine.
Tasted great, just doesn't hold together as well as lasagne sheets would so presentation was a bit of a mess.