Has there been a depiction of fast food on a space station?
Has there been a depiction of fast food on a space station?
Both B5 and DS9 had bars on station, but have and space stations have a fast food restaurant?
Has there been a depiction of fast food on a space station?
Both B5 and DS9 had bars on station, but have and space stations have a fast food restaurant?
Even though it's not a space station, the Mickey D's in The Fifth Element would probably be close.
There's at least one instance on futurama where a space ship is flown through a drive-through that's just out in the vacuum of space
Fishy Joe’s in “The problem with Popplers” iirc.
Pop a Poppler in your mouth,
When you come to Fishy Joe's.
What they're made of is a mystery,
Where they come from, no one knows.
You can pick 'em, you can lick 'em,
You can chew 'em, you can stick 'em,
And if you promise not to sue us,
You can shove one up your nose.
Doctor who (2005) s01e07 - Kronkburgers on Satellite 5 in the opening scenes.
Was going to say with all of the episode of Dr. Who, it had to be in one of them.
There are food kiosks on the Promenade on DS9.
There are 2.5 million franchises of Monolith Burger in Space Quest lore! https://spacequest.fandom.com/wiki/Monolith_Burger
I seem to remember a scene in Babylon 5 where Vir got sick eating at a place that sounded like a rebranded McDonalds. Londo was chastising him saying you know Centauri stomachs can’t handle fast food. I wish I had time to rewatch that show.
The Minbari fast food restaurant in brown sector named McBari’s with the golden head bone. S5E14
Futurama has Fishy Joe's. Other than the episode with the Popplers, I've only seen it as a space station in the background of some scenes.
ISS orbits at ~7.66km/s, so technically any pictured food up there can be considered fast food.
All food is fast food if your frame of reference is the galactic center
And we’re all orbiting the center of the Milky Way at 220km/s. Fast food for everyone!
Does the Axiom on Wall-E count as a space station?
That one is difficult because in star trek they had replicators that could make any food instantly. I've never actually watch B5, so can't speak on that, but at least in the star trek universe, fast food would be pointless unless it was in the Delta or Gamma quadrants because it was never spoken about with the residents there. Good question though
Voyager mentioned several times that replicator technology was not widely known in the Delta quadrant. They had Neelix cooking slow food to save on replicator energy usage. There were plot points of possible technology trade with the Kazon and others.
Star Trek still has traditionalists and hobbyists that prepare food without replicators. Sisko's father famously ran a Cajun restaurant in New Orleans. I wouldn't be surprised if someone ran a fast food burger shop because "the fries just don't crunch the same from a replicator" or something.
It also would be possible to have something like a replicator kiosk shop, which would be like fast food.
There are a few restaurants mentioned on the wiki, but they don't distinguish between traditional preparation and replicator food (it includes Quark's on the list). None of the space ones look like fast food though. https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Restaurant
The Expanse depicts a lot of local street food vendors on different space stations throughout the solar system
Came here to say this. Expanse hits the notes of "real people actually live on this ship/station" way more than any other sci-fi I've consumed. Fast food, bars, brothels, restrooms, storage and maintenance areas, all of these are specifically called out at most stations.
I noticed this too, The Expanse does that so well, really fleshing out what life would be like living as a grunt in The Belt. They had their own culture, their own sayings, their own food. Like any colony, it gave host to any number of establishments meant to provide a bit of comfort out in the inky black nothing. The shared suffering also gave them a sense of community, which is a powerful motivator when the far off motherland starts imposing increasingly burdensome levies... Makes you want to grab the closest thing and hurl it at them! 😉
It's amazing.
Not technically a Space Station, but there's a whole Invader Zim episode on an entire planet being dedicated to fast food, Food Courtia iirc
The replimat?
I'm pretty sure there was in Firefly
Fruity Oaty Bars come to mind, but there is no way Blue Sun didn't also have Fast food restaurants.
Wall-E had people ordering liquid fast food on their iPads and having it immediately delivered by drone. So fast food on a space station, but not a conventional restaurant experience i guess.
I think the mess hall with a food replicator is as close as you're going to find.
What do you think the function is of a fast food restaurant in a society with no money and instant food machines.
This is of course with Earth in mind. I have no doubt there are fast food places on Ferenginar.
As someone who hasn't really watched the show, I see all sorts of things and just accept it. My brain can not handle it having a society with no money. Capitalism has ruined me
The Spaceburger looks pretty dope.
In Outer Worlds there's a couple establishments aboard the groundbreaker that could potentially count as fast food by some definition.
The stand on the citadel in mass effect is maybe fast food-ish
I vaguely remember seeing some stands in the background of Babylon 5 that could potentially have been something like fast food, but I never got into Babylon 5 too much so I can't say much about that, I just have some vague memories of some parts I've seen that looked like fast food wouldn't be out of place.
Pretty much any time there's a big space station with a city-like interior I assume there's probably something like fast food somewhere on board, maybe even visible in the background somewhere, though I can't really think of any particular examples or any time it was specifically highlighted
The replimat on ds9?
Deep Space 9 had food replicators.
Starfield has Chunks, a full on fast food chain with multiple locations. Some are on space stations, some are on planets.
You can also find their vacuum-sealed food everywhere.
There a vending machine on the Mars base in For All Mankind.
It's five-star, not fast food, but there's Milliways, the Restaurant at the End of the Universe, which serves a delicious Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster. Don't let the five-stars scare you off:
All you have to do is deposit one penny in a savings account in your own era, and when you arrive at the End of Time the operation of compound interest means that the fabulous cost of your meal has been paid for. (Many claim that this is not merely impossible, but clearly insane.)
This is why the advertising executives of the star system of Bastablon came up with this slogan: "If you've done six impossible things this morning, why not round it off with breakfast at Milliways, the Restaurant at the End of the Universe."
Babylon 5 had at least a few pizza take aways.
How can you forget McBari's! They only have fresh spoo, but the flarn is out of this world.
There was a Howard Johnson's restaurant on the space station in 2001.
Of course, both Pan Am and Howard Johnson's are defunct
I think there are some fast food restaurants on the Citadel of Ricks in Rick and Morty.
SS13 has a chef on the station who makes all sorts of food, but mostly pizzas and burgers. I don't recommend eating their food though, it's pretty likely it will be made of your coworkers.
I promise I stuck to making banana bread! So much banana bread. And when frying was a thing, deep fried banana bread!
Does that count? :)
It's rare to come across a fellow Chicken Invaders fan
Soylent green
but have and space stations have a fast food restaurant?
So I guess we're just ignoring that part then
I could ask Microsoft® Bing™ Copilot® (all rights reserved) to make you one.