Well I'm out of ideas
Well I'm out of ideas
Well I'm out of ideas
The moral of the story is that boobs can stop wars
I doubt it. As long as there are not boobs for everyone, someone, most probable male, will start a fight. I hope and wish this is a prejudice, but am still searching for evidence that it is one.
But denji is fighting for boobs right? So i guess they start wars. 🗿
This doesn't add up....
She's taking the picture in landscape mode but the post clearly shows it as portrait!
Maybe she cropped it?
A wizard did it.
This is fucking hilarious
Weird, I just typed this word for word on another meme in this instance.
Where are these 11/10 meme bangers coming from!?
The "Be the change that you want to see in the world" blue poster makes it extra funny.
...I never noticed that there was an emoji for yerba mate. It's now my favourite thing ever. 🧉
What does the green poster say?
Don't cry because it ended, smile because it "hanepped". (The word is clearly supposed to be sucedió/happened, but the letters got switched).
🎶Imagine there's no heaven🎶
Speaking of the headline, politicians when encouraged to attempt peace through negotiation rather than insisting on decisive victory being the only way
can't tell if this is some genuine post, or pro-russia shilling for peace negotiationing between Ukraine and Russia
As the red starred soldiers give up to the blue banded I've got an opinion on that topic.
If Russia stops fighting, the war ends. If Ukraine stops fighting, Ukraine ends. And Russia is more likely to try again in another neighbor. Like they have multiple times already.
Letting Russia consolidate its territorial gains, build bases and continue the war in a few years is a terrible idea. They are more than welcome to turn their tanks around and leave Ukraine.
Русскии военыи корабл, иди на хуй.
Ooh, big tough guy brave enough to be against peace and diplomacy in badly translated Ukrainian!
Just for the record, I am not, nor have I ever been a "Russian warship" nor have I ever been on the side of the war criminal Putin.
"You're either with us and declare our warlike methods perfect or you're with the enemy" was bullshit when Dubya said a simplified version of it in the early 2000s and it's not any more true now.
Very pbf, I love it
How do I find this artist, I need more of these!
Bottom right?
I love the posters. Is one of them even misspelled?
I think the green one is misspelled. It reads:
"No llores porque termino, sonrie porque sudecio"
That almost makes sense. It should be "sucedio".
It translates to "don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened"
Also "porque" has a tilde where it should not. In the context of the poster it means "because", not to be confused with "why" that is spelled "por qué".
Yes that's the one I meant. But bonus points to the fellow member here; I didn't even see the porque bit.
D'aww wouldn't it be nice
misogyny vibes