Valve's Deadlock Steam page is up
Valve's Deadlock Steam page is up

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Valve's Deadlock Steam page is up
Lemmy room link: !
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I was excited until I saw multiplayer MOBA. Hard pass.
Third person though. Maybe that makes a difference.
Dota is third person too
No, it's isometric
No, it's top down. Isometric specifically refers to a parallel projection
That's not a number. If you have an alternative to third person, phrase it as a number.
Stop being purposefully obtuse.
Sure thing, I will be 100% direct:
Deadlock is third person (over the shoulder). Dota is third person (3D rendered top-down). These two forms of camera are named after the literary convention of third person narration in literature. Literary third person, like gaming third person, comes in a variety of forms, typically characterised by the level of omniscience of the narrator. You and WereCat are using third person as a shorthand for over the shoulder because you have poor critical thinking skills and prefer to mindlessly repeat the words you've heard other use. Other people typically use third person in video games to refer to shooters, contrasting it with first person. There are no isometric shooters, unless you count bullet hells. While isometric games are also third person, people typically choose the shorter name of isometric when applicable for convenience. The Wernicke's area of your brain has therefore decided that isometric games are not third person, because it works on correlations, not on logic. You neglected to use your conscious powers of logic to question your assumptions, because you're lazy.
Holy shit. You are hilarious. I know that isometric games are third person, but no one refers to them like that. You obviously knew what Werecat meant, but we're deliberately acting like they were stupid for using the common and accepted way to differentiate between isometric and third person games. I suggest you look into ways to get over your ego, because if you are anything like this in your day to day life I feel very sorry for those who have to interact with you.
Werecat said it's not third person. I offered a friendly correction, and you demanded I be less obtuse. You should stop criticising me for your decisions.
Then you misread them. They said dota is isometric.
Dota is top down 3D. Isometric is a whole different thing that describes what type of projection is used to render the scene
sir this is a wendys
If your meme requires misgendering me in order to work, then it's a crap meme. Be a decent person, please.
damn you got me. jk touch grass