Bot parade!
Bot parade!
Bot parade!
Tom Servo!
I'm just wondering how he eats and breathes, and other science facts...
Come on man, it's just a show, you should really just relax
Not pictured: Nopebot, who declined to participate.
the angry flower is still alive? wow
A true classic!
The "+" in "TIME: 30+ min" is doing some heavy, heavy lifting.
No kidding, always took forever
A classic, the new version with deck building is not nearly as exciting as the sheer manic panic of the first.
I am so glad to discover that Notley is still at it! I've added BtAF to my rss list, thank you for the post.
I was certain I figured out Gropebot, until I saw there was also a Popebot.
Greg, Fred, pegg-y, legs, seid, Redd, Jedd, ed, dredd, and Sam
Edit: was shy a couple names. Fixed
Now give it to me as a font.