Life of a meme - Alex Krokus
Life of a meme - Alex Krokus
Life of a meme - Alex Krokus
This is what I hate about the homunculi of twitter company personalities. “Hahaa, did you see the way Walmart clapped back at IBM?“ Humanizing vast, faceless companies puppeted by sociopathic business majors triggers every rage response that my body can muster. Please, shut the fuck up
[Off-topic] Your display name is hilarious. It reminds me old viruses with double extensions, like hotpix.jpg.vbs
Damn, that got me! I was about to comment being like "woah! We get threads here?" when I finally noticed.
I think Boobzilla is an excellent one
unrelated but "the homunculus of Twitter" is a good nickname for Elon
Now I'm having visions of the high priestess X'twitterquatl sacrificing Mayan children on a pyramid as lightning flashes in an attempt to animate their engine of destruction; The Homonculus of X'twitter.
People propagate this though. Company twitter accounts posting derivative meme shit is what people reshare. Most people consider Apple/Tesla/Pelaton/Nintendo to be their buddies and love it when their buddy seems like a down to earth, regular guy. It's cringe.
I'll start believing brands are people when they start getting jailed for their (numerous) crimes.
i wish they would all act like the faceless industrial complexes out there
you don't see this from stuff like Caterpillar
Why are you on Twitter?
I’m allowed to hate things I’m not part of. My silent malice does little to dissuade folks from posting examples to lemmy
But they were all of them deceived, for another meme was made...
Sorry beforehand for the intrusive politics, but it's kind of unavoidable for me in this case.
This is almost a textbook example of the Marxist concept of alienation. Once a brand takes over a meme, people are alienated from
I'd say the outcome is alienation; the process as the comic demonstrates it is a kind of recuperation, the process through which ideas (especially subversive or dangerous ones) are neutered and commodified.
I swear I can find an applicable Marx excerpt for almost anything. His work has strengthened my anti-capitalist conversations a ton.
Well, that's what you get when an old style journalist has a knack for philosophy. I heavily recommend his texts, even to non-communists - not as some sort of political proselytism from my part, but because the content is useful/interesting even if you aren't a communist, you know?
You...think Marx invented the concept of alienation?
Yes! He also invented airplanes, internet shitposting, Santa Klaus, and Brezeln.
I'm joking of course. No, he didn't invent the concept, he took it from Hegel. However that specific usage of the concept is the one from Marxism.
The fact that the word "alienation" already existed doesn't mean Marx didn't have a specific theory about alienation in specific contexts that ended being pretty influential for philosophy. Like, holy shit, Marx's theory of alienation isn't obscure. Do a minimum of research before spouting ignorant bullshit.
I went to my city's pride parade 10 years ago and this past year, huge difference. Everything is commercial and expensive now and it's just full of corporate floats
Why do people expect something to be funny forever? Most memes are barely funny in context. Then they are ironically funny, and then they find a place on Facebook where they spend eternity. Why are le rage comic not funny? People loved them. People who post memes now were like 4 when rage comics were cool.
Trends in general, be it fashion or hit music or whatever, come and go. It's human nature. Memes follow the same pattern so they fall out of style/out of heavy use after a while.
Waiting for the CEO of Disney to try to sell the Live Action remake of Coco by exclaiming that "his name Jeff" and then fail to understand why nobody liked that, to which he'll respond by cancelling something popular on Disney+ and greenlighting the worst fucking thing ever to take its place.
(RIP Willow and Acolyte)
Or something Star Wars
Then everything dies down ... the corps eventually figure out the no one likes the meme anymore so they toss the meme out too.....
... Time passes ....
.... then someone new finds this old meme again and it reappears as a new meme once again.
Then the cycle starts again.
If by "time passes" you mean like 100 years, then sure!
nice sub, thanks!
Is email a meme? Was the telephone a meme?
Don't walk away guys! Use that shit, send me more spam! I love spam! Yes I would like a cruise to the Bahamas. Yes I would love to make over 2 million from the comfort of my home while loosing weight using wegovy! Please send me that virus! Oh you wanna serve your own email server to get out of Gmail? Nah, that's impossible! Pay them 15 bucks a month! It's worth it!
RIP email, and part for the soul of the telephone... telephone, we hardly knew you! First with your spin dial. I did 1 call with spin dial. Then your 3inch stroke push buttons, then your 0.01" stroke push buttons, then your virtual capacitance glass buttons...and then puff! He was gone.
I think they died as memes.
Does anyone remember a similar comic about Twitter a decade ago?
This is the way things go. If enough people come to one place order use one medium, it becomes a target for businesses who will squeeze it to death. Enough people listening to radio and this broadcast is brought by... New site that people start to use? Time to insert some corporate messages.
Old fags remember rule: don't share memes with normies, it will kill a meme.
Please, watch out for context.
In 4chan there's context to interpret your usage of "old fag" as "site veteran". But we are not in 4chan - here it's simply a slur targetting a marginalised group of people.
Please, around here we say "elderly homosexual"
TBH brands probably have more power in creating memes than regular people do. A lot of memes were probably started by brands, such as the spongebob textbook math about footlongs infinitely approaching free as you buy more.