reformists have been having too much fun lately
reformists have been having too much fun lately
this was made with direct spite for American Operative-Counterinsurgent
edit: changed end line
reformists have been having too much fun lately
this was made with direct spite for American Operative-Counterinsurgent
edit: changed end line
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Is anyone else bothered by the fact that a Lord of the Rings meme has been tainted with a Harry Potter font???
EDIT: This is not a serious comment and the meme is actually pretty cool fyi
specifically sought and downloaded LOTR fonts for this so it may just be typeface similarity
fonts used are
I was joking of course but it really does look like the Harry Potter font to me for some reason. Doesn't it? I'm talking specifically the Ringbearer font.
EDIT: Just looked at the Harry Potter font and it kinda does look like it, but not exactly. I think it's the staggered letters throwing me off.
wouldn't be the first thing called derivative with harry potter
That font is kinda weird, it just does not look good outside of the LoTR logo, because it just takes the special adaptations for the logo and puts into general use, the letters are changing size in the middle of words. iT FeEls LikE It wAs TyPEd lIKe tHiS