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My gender was secretly changed as a baby and I didn’t know for 22 years

This left me in awe of the intelligence behind the victim. Sophie is without a doubt an expert in her own field. Experts should be talking to her and giving her the platform that will benefit others.

I try hard to understand the personal issues of people with gender identification. I hope you can appreciate this is difficult for someone who was raised in the 60/70's and doesn't have the same identification issues. It wasn't until I found out my offspring was gay that I understood just how damaging being homophobic was. I was not a vindictive homophobe, but then you don't have to be physical to cause harm.

I think there is a lot of credence to her opinion of putting people into boxes. This causes so many mental issues with growing kids, and has done for a very long time. We really need to find a way to help kids be happy with who they are and not pander to the whims of the crowd.

Just for reference as this incites comments. I have never mistreated my kids. My initial reaction to finding out that I was the parent of someone gay was only ever about seeking to help in anyway I can. I could never fathom any parent that wants to hurt a son/daughter for not being what they want them to be.

  • I try hard to understand the personal issues of people with gender identification. I hope you can appreciate this is difficult for someone who was raised in the 60/70's and doesn't have the same identification issues.

    I feel you on this, even as someone who is currently in their mid 20s. It helps for me to just accept the fact that I'll probably never truly understand how they feel, just like how I can't imagine how it would feel to be blind or to be paralysed. The best we can do is listen and accept.

    I think there is a lot of credence to her opinion of putting people into boxes. This causes so many mental issues with growing kids, and has done for a very long time. We really need to find a way to help kids be happy with who they are and not pander to the whims of the crowd.

    True, but the world is never going to get away from putting people into boxes because our brains will just always do it. There's no reason why someone shouldn't be able to change what box they want to be in, since that's the next best thing to getting rid of the boxes all together.