Very customizable (I like having number row always visible, and having long press for symbols on each letter).
Has gif support built in.
My biggest pain point is:
It auto corrects words that are spelled correctly to other words. I type "our" and it changes to "out", I recently typed "purpose" and it changed it to "purple". Autocorrect is awesome and necessary, but I hate that it corrects words to other words and not just typos. I wish I could find a keyboard that has the things I like without this annoyance.
i used to use touchpal, because I liked that I could swipe up on a key to get the upper case version of the letter, or swipe in other directions to get other variants.
They enshittifies the product a few years back by inserting ads into every app i was using.
These days i just use the android default, but I miss the functionality touchpal had.