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By the yardstick that both the CIA and the IMF have adopted as the single best measure of national economies, China now has the largest economy in the world.

  • Americans—including this author—believe that the international security order the United States constructed in the aftermath of World War II and has been the guardian of in the decades since then has been a remarkable era in human history. This unprecedented “long peace” has provided stability that has enabled not only Americans but most of the other eight billion souls with whom we share this small planet to enjoy greater increases in income, health, and well-being than in any other era of recorded history.

    Yuck. This doesn't even work if you're just a propagandized USian. Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Afghanistan, Taiwan, Former Soviet bloc countries like Yugoslavia, Latin America, South Africa, Yemen, Iraq, Iran, close nuclear calls, Israel, Reagan deindustrialization and financialization and the fact that the US was engaged in a literal "Cold War" and this is taught in American schools as a necessity to defend against a nation an entire ocean away from us.

    There was no long peace, nazism was internationalized and wielded against the Soviets and now it has brought the world into the decadent stage of imperialism

    Overall an interesting observation on China's growth and differing viewpoint on diplomacy but still reeks of neoliberalism which in a way makes it even more credible.