Okay I know this sounds like click bait but trust me switching over to linux requires you to first master the open source software that you will be replacing your windows/mac counterparts with. Doing it in an unfamiliar OS with no fallback to rely on is tough, frustrating and will turn you off of trying linux.
DISCLAIMER: I know that some people cannot switch to linux because open source / Linux software is not good enough yet. But I urge you to keep track of them and when so you can know when they are good enough.
The Solution
So I suggest you keep using windows, switch all your apps to open or closed source software that is available on linux. Learn them, use them and if you are in a pinch and need to use your windows only software it will still be there. Once you are at a point where you never use the windows only software you can then think of switching over to linux.
The Alternatives
So to help you out I'll list my favorites for each use case.
Suprisingly good for text manipulation, moving around images and alot more.
There might be slight incompatibilities (I haven't noticed anything huge)
But hey, it's free
How do I pick a distro there are so many! NO
So finally after switching all the apps you think you are ready? Do not fall into the rabbit hole of changing your entire OS every two days, you will be in a toxic relationship with it.
I hate updates and my hardware is not that new
Mint - UI looks a bit dated but it is rock solid
Ubuntu - Yes, I know snaps are bad, but you can just ignore them
I have new hardware but I want sane updates
Open Suse Tumbleweed
I live on the bleeding edge baby, both hardware and software
Arch ... btw
Anyways what is more important is the DE than the distro for a beginner, trust me. Gnome, KDE, Cinnamon, etc. you can try them all in a VM and see which one you like.
SO TLDR: Don't switch to linux! Switch to linux apps.
While LibreOffice has improved immensely over the years, its compatibility to Microsoft’s file formats is still a bit hit n miss at times, while OnlyOffice is a drop in replacement. It looks like MS Office and handles docx & Co. as well as MS Office, which might be a deciding factor for someone who has been on Windows for a long time and has all their documents in docx.
Also, I personally always get MS Office 2003 flashbacks when using LibreOffice, while file types don’t really matter to me.