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What's a good habit you developed you'd like to share?

I just recently cleared my place of much bullcrap and have consequently been able to keep cleaning up after myself moment to moment so it doesnt build up and its basically alwaya clean 🤩

  • Force yourself to sneeze and cough inside your elbow all the time. Even when you're alone. Then it becomes a reflex and you'll protect those around you from infection a lot better.

  • I stopped using antiseptic mouthwash, even zero-alcohol versions, because the microbes in your mouth produce nitric-oxide and killing them off might be linked to high blood pressure.

  • When walking by / through vehicles in a parking lot with things in my hands, I will make the conscious effort to pull my arms close to my body and prevent them swaying or moving with my normal walk. As well as moving items from one hand to the other if the car is on the side that was holding them. Nobody likes scratches and dings!

  • I use org-mode to maintain a todo list. A very important detail. All todo must have a schedule or deadline.

    Every time I open my editor it shows the agenda view that present me the list of tasks to do today and the ones I haven’t completed in the past.

    Mainly, if you can have a similar habit it will work as a meta habit that will improve and grow other time.

    Plus org-mode can do so much more, this becomes really useful. Like help with creating new habits, write dynamic documents, etc… I wrote an article about my workflow here