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Invites for Valve's new game "Deadlock" here

It's a shooter-moba. I have access and can invite. If anyone wants access, I will need to friend you on steam.

You can post friendcode in comment or PM it, I don't mind. I will add people then send invite, they're not instant they get sent in waves.

I have very mixed opinions on it.

Edit: I need your friend code. NOT SteamID. Easy mistake to make.

Editedit: If I missed you, poke me. Sometimes notifications are weird here.

Editeditedit: Looks like some of these have started to go through!

  • I played one game of it when the pre alpha or whatever first came out. I didn't really like it at all. The one cool concept was the deny system where you can shoot the souls of creeps and heroes as they fly out of their body to deny Xp. Its definitely not what I expected for Valve's first new IP in forever. Don't think I'm gonna quit Dota for it.

    • For a new moba I have a few thoughts:

      1. It doesn't really have any new mechanics that are new to moba beside like you said, the XP denial.
      2. The XP denial seems underpowered because the gameplay emphasis is entirely on killing enemy players, there's too much exp from killing players and not enough from minions. Snowballing happens very easily because of this and there's very little ability to come back from behind by playing safely from your tower for farming. Too many characters can just dive your tower and kill you too without consequences.
      3. There's 14 male characters and 7 female characters and I only gravitate to 2 of the female characters as appealing at all. Maybe I'm spoiled by Smite and Overwatch but it doesn't really feel like anything in the game is made for me.
      4. I get absolutely bodied by people that have sweated for 500+ hours in this thing despite it being in early testing.
      5. The accessibility is horrendous. The text chat feature has been made objectively worse than every text chat in any game ever made for the sake of being quirky and different. Colours are also not good and differentiating between team and enemy is not easy. Sound is also not great. Pings are still lacking. No "just use mic" is not an acceptable response to this problem especially not in regions where the majority of people don't speak the same language, let along for the issue of minorities, female players and queer-sounding people getting instant hate as soon as they are heard on mic.
      6. The discord seems to be an entirely unmoderated extension of 4chan.