Hol Up
Hol Up
Hol Up
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I don't get this one, what's the hol up
Saying “she had potential” is usually used in this context, he realized his mistake after the fact.
Although usually referring to underage girls, in this case people were roasting him in the comments because of the usual use case.
I hate that people consider that to be the usual use case when referring to a deceased person. I'd say that says more about the people roasting than the poster.
Yeah, was about to say... This was an innocent saying until people ruined it.
To me it's still innocent. If people feel the need to sexualized everything and come up with new meanings for established expressions, I'm not gonna make that my problem.
U misunderstood. Hes saying its usually used in the context of the linked urban dictionary article.
Huh. I've never heard that phrase used in that context before.
makes sense, thanks!