Hello Mozilla Connect Community, I’m Chance York, a User Researcher on the Firefox User Research team. I’m reaching out because our team has created a survey to gather opinions on a handful of browser features, some of which were suggested previously on Mozilla Connect. Your feedback on this survey...
Everyone's here complaining about the randomised questions when I'm just curious why location options are "Germany", " Brazil", "USA", or " Somewhere we don't care about".
You folks are really exaggerating. How is this survey weird? The random questions in groups of 3 make it easy to compare 3 features instead of rating 60 different features by most wanted to least wanted. In aggregate from thousands of replies, they can sort all answers.
Do they publish any of the data from these surveys or use it as an excuse to remove more useful features?
"We listen to our community, so now we're removing about: config access from stable desktop builds to match the mobile version to provide uniform builds, making problems easier to replicate and also provide better security for all. Please use beta or nightly builds for tinkering."
When looking for a new web browser, which feature would you prefer most and which would you prefer least?
A color palette that matches Danny DeVito's armpit hair.
Play the theme to Annie at startup.
Take up all computer resources.
I don't want any of those. Can't we just have a browser that filters all of the popups, junk and advertising?
Nope. You can't progress through the survey without picking one thing you really don't want and at least one of two things you couldn't give a shit less about.
I hope like hell the sets of questions were randomized, because if they weren't, they were tweaked by the surveyors beforehand to try and force a particular result.
Like the AI question was paired with some incredibly crappy options like "A browser that runs 2x slower than your current browser". Obviously they want you to click that option as least wanted and leave the AI development alone (if that wasn't a randomized grouping).
Similarly, it looked like they were trying to decide which feature to sacrifice in support of AI dev in later questions, because all 3 would be things I enjoy much more than AI, but I have to rate one as least wanted.
EDIT: OK, thanks for all the responses everyone! Looks like my pairing of AI and 2x slower was just a bad random selection inducing extreme paranoia on my part. Very happy to hear that.
I took the survey and I didn't like how they occasionally put all shitty features in a group and I had to pick one I wanted and then followed it with all good stuff in a group and I had to say I didn't want one.
Bizarre survey yeah but also why is there a mandatory exact age question at the end? Isn't it normal to be able to opt out of demographic questions for surveys? It also lets us say we'd prefer not to say our gender but not our exact year of birth?
We want a true black-dark mode for OLED. This missing feature is holding me back from going 100% Firefox on mobile (I am only using it for horrible websites that are asking fo the ublock origin treatment.
I didn't even think what the questionnaire was about, and filled the entire thing. It's a rare thing to see for a FOSS project to ask what I'm staring at this very moment, how to make it better. But yes, the questionnaire was a bit oddly structured.
The "Want most" to "Want least" scale is loaded AF.
Where is the option for "I don't want any of these things"?
Edit: Yeah, fuck that. That survey is bullshit. I stopped bothering to give answers due to the multi-choice questions seeming like a way for Mozilla to have a wank about itself.
The survey is broken on Firefox for Android. The first set of most wanted and least wanted statements doesn't let me set an answer for all 3. As soon as I set an answer for the 3rd statement it clears the answer for my first statement.