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I just got back from the Ozora music festival, the amount of Israeli propaganda there was insane

I just spent the last week at the Ozora Psytrance music festival in Hungary and it was a pretty amazing experience, especially as it was the first music festival I've ever been to.

What I was not prepared for however, was the gobsmacking amount of Israeli propaganda just absolutely everywhere, and it only got more and more blatant as the week went. I'm being made to understand that this is actually fairly normal and apparently "Israelis love colonizing festivals". Apparently they also really love psytrance festivals, and used every opportunity to invoke the memory of the NOVA psytrance festival that was caught in the crossfire on Oct. 7th.

I posted a direct response about it in the festival subreddit here, but I feel like there is so much left unsaid.

The whole thing being rooted in psychedelics just adds several additional points. First, it is straight up baaaad vibes, in place where "vibes" are super important, the constant barrage of blatant propaganda just absolutely pollutes the headspace. I found myself being unable to ignore it at multiple levels of tripping. The propaganda spanned from the more mild but still blatant "in remembrance of" sorta stuff, up to straight war propaganda including what I can only describe as "Star of David Totenkopf" which is probably the most disgusting thing I've seen in awhile (I'll attach it as the main image).

It's a psychedelic hippie festival, everyone wants to be yoga, free love, and good vibes, no one wants to escalate or fight the Israelis, so they go entirely unconfronted on their disregard for everyone around them.

I'm also trying to process how psychedelics revolutionary potential appears to be completely captured, how they were meant to be a tool to free the mind from fascism, but then here it appears to be made near totally inert, incorporated into this new sort of "Candy Fascism". I get how a type of nihilistic hedonism is part of fascism, but how this has actually developed boggles me.

  • I say as someone who used to be really into psytrance, but the whole scene is bougie white, coloniser, and Israeli AF. It's been this way for decades. I wouldn't be this harsh if I haven't gone to a fuckload of festivals myself and experienced it firsthand.

    Honestly doing psychedelics and dancing to trance are fine in moderation. But coming into it with a real expectation of personal growth is just idealism. There's all this pseudo Eastern religion promising betterment, which aligns so closely with classical fascism that it's almost funny. Not to criticise OP, but rather many people who align with psytrance, the woo health and spiritual promises of the community are never going to be fulfilled.

    You are right, tho, festivals didn't have explicit Israeli propaganda until recently, at least from what I've seen. Israelis were always there, and it felt weird, but it seemed like the ones who were there wanted to disconnect from politics.

    Funny story: I went to a re-birthing ceremony maybe 8 years ago. My city is majority non-white although yes I'm white. I looked around in this re-birthing ceremony and saw 300 posh white people and not a single non-white person. I walked out feeling weird and never went back.

  • you didn't wook out hard enough, rookie mistake

    serious though, these types of spiritual festivals always seemed like the worst types of white people congregating together. I'd stick to the more party to music type festivals like Glastonbury, Coachella, Tomorrowland, Primavera etc.

    I know a lot of non-party, non-outgoing, non-druggie types think these are lame or whatever but it's all good fun, nothing is serious, and the other option is what you experienced lol

  • There's definitely an overlap of odd spheres when it comes to some of these 'spiritual not religious' spaces. Much like cottagecore and the tradwife/tradlife stuff, similar things happened within new age/psychedelic areas. A lot of Q folks came from these kinds of areas like mayo yoga, crystals and sacred geometry, etc. Rogan has been one of these figures directing weird folks in a rightward direction. Communities bounded together via vague notions of being outside the mainstream seem to present fertile soil for grifters, fascists, etc.

    • My mom was briefly dragged into right wing conspiracy shit because of a new age lyme disease support group she was a part of. It started with harmless woo-y treatment stuff, went to "Lyme disease is a bioweapon that slipped from the lab" and started going in the direction of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Fuckin wild because my mom was always a typical 1970's lib, called herself a hippie, and went to BLM protests.

  • OH yeah if the exodus from colonized Palestine really kicks off... nobody sane will be able to go to psytrance or possibly any kind of electronic thing anywhere in Europe/mostly coastal North America without this shit.

  • Never went to Ozora, but pre covid, i went to psytrance events in Europe on a regular basis. There was always a strong presence of Israeli DJs and promoters because psytrance is fairly huge there, but never any overt propaganda like this. What was there in regard to bad vibes where conspiracy types that often were straight-up sovereign citizens and esoteric fascists, and funnily enough these guys who where often well-connected in a community full of fans of Israeli artists where usually not too subtle about their antisemitism, either. They didn't have to be subtle, that crowd is just full of idealist and brainwormed takes, and nobody understands any racist dogwhistles. It doesn't surprise me at all that this shift to open apartheid propaganda is taking place now.

  • never been to a psy rave but as long as I can remember there has been a pretty heavy connection to Israel in that scene, lots of fans and producers from there, it is pretty funny how the psy scene markets itself as this alternative musical and social space that's more in-touch with the earth and shamanism and spiritualism and so on but they have this giant contradiction in that they always support Israel, I guess the 'remember NOVA' campaign shows they're either afraid to confront it or just internalized their support for Israel by now and don't even care, btw I think Burning Man started a psy-only event and look where that is at nowadays