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    • Mr. Ballen - Spooky stories, true crime, weird dark stuff, also sometimes some of the funniest ad reads on YouTube
    • 74 Gear - Aviation stories, accidents, pilot breakdowns / critiques of random aviation videos from social media
    • Mentour Pilot - Aviation accident breakdowns, somewhat more professional
    • Summoning Salt - Gaming and speedruns and speed run breakdowns
    • Karl Jobst - Gaming and speedruns and cheating in speedruns and legal issues and why Billy Mitchell is a huge piece of shit
    • 3Blue1Brown - The man with the world’s most soothing voice explains super complex mathematics in some of the best and clearest explained videos (visuals incredibly polished and also very soothing) I have ever seen. His series on linear algebra is no joke superior education compared to 2 full semesters of linear algebra I took in undergrad
  • Asianometry - "Video essays on business, economics, and history. Sometimes about Asia, but not always." -- One of my fascination is the semiconductor industry and lithography. He tends to produce videos about said topics, and I love it.

    tosh show -- A breath of fresh air in the podcast scene IMO. Podcast hosted by Daniel Tosh, who has on non-celebrities (and a few moderate celebs but they are a rarity.) More ordinary people with interesting jobs come on and he talks to them and asks questions about what they do. It's fun and interesting.

    Fireship - "High-intensity ⚡ code tutorials and tech news to help you ship your app faster." ---I watch his tech news vids, Code Report, often. He does a great job of producing videos that are informative but also humorous with tech memes, related popular memes, and internet humor mixed into the tech news report.

    Undecided with Matt Ferrell - "I explore how sustainable and smart technologies impact our lives. And I try to dive deeper into those topics to provide context.

    Topics like electric vehicles, solar panels, and renewable energy that is meant to transition the world off of fossil fuels. Smart home technology that can make our homes not only more convenient, but safer and more accessible. Wearable technology that can track our health and save lives. Or how technology might be invading and breaking down the walls of our privacy."

    Good Work - "Fake business news." Dan Toomey and the incredibly serious Good Work Investigative News Team plunge into the dark world of business and finance." --Their team does a great job of finding and applying witty humor to their videos. Think if NPR NewHour had a reporter but was witty, humorous, and covered 'what the heck is going on news,' and 'what do they actually do' topics and job titles.

    S3 - "The stories of people working to change the world." -- Think high-tech endeavors that are pushing the envelope closer and closer to a Star Trek future.

  • Quiet Nerd - cool projects all DIY

    Camping with Steve - stealth camping wholesomeness

    Londoneats - food delivery in London, weirdly fascinating

  • I'm amazed none of these have been mentioned yet. Here are some of my faves

    Explaining stuff that's happening

    • Real Life Lore (I'm almost signing for Nebula because of him, gorgeous map graphics)
    • Cold Fusion
    • Wendover

    History stuff

    • Fall of Civilizations - Hands down the best documentary-like content I know of. Takes forever for new stuff to show up (because research), but it's so fucking worth it!
    • Study of Antiquity and the Middle Ages
    • Kings and Generals (the narrator butchers every non-anglo name, it really grinds my gears)
    • Heroes and Legends - The long form, documentary-level videos are amazing. Watch the ones on Gertrude Bell and Voltaire


    • Basement Brothers - Almost monotone narration, but possibly the only channel in english that plays and shows several details of old Japan exclusive PC games (PC88 and PC98 mostly)
    • Russian Badger - There's a very high chance you've seen some of the memes straight out of his videos. Start with "Heavy flamer heresy" if you've never seen any.
  • theuppermostinlife - It's just one person scooping up all of the music they like and curating a bunch of compilations. I've found lots of music I listen to regularly thanks to their efforts.

  • Outside of large channels with millions of subs that now only get thousands of views, Stumpt in general for clean fun and HeroVoltsy for their pokemon fangame/rom hack content. Voltsy's how I discovered almost every single pokemon fangame I have ever played.