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  • Considering the Nazi’s were inspired by the US in many ways and the US continued promoting their racist opinions on immigrants, doing coups, and installing far right dictators around the world im more surprised the resurgence isnt bigger.

    look at the genocide being funded and armed by the US in Palestine. Israel is invading and preparing for war with like 4? Countries already? Arguing they can rape people they detain and the US threatens the International Criminal Court after they deemed Netanyahu is a war criminal.

    The US leads the world culture in a big way, the US is promoting an authoritarian who admires Hitler and the opposition to him continues sending bombs to a war criminal and threatens people who want to stop him.

  • Millions of people died from COVID yet look how many denied its effects (and still do) and didn't/don't get vaccinated. Because it wasn't happening to them right there in their faces (and in some cases it was and they still denied it on their death beds). If people can't even learn from that as it happened in real time all around them, what hope do we have for people to care about and learn from things that happened 80-90 years ago?

  • Nazis are a type of narcissist (racial narcissist). Capitalism and advertising reward narcissism of all types because it means they are insecure and wanting more in life. Narcissists then flop between types of narcissism until they can get the supply they want. Like George Santos being a drag queen then homophobic congressman - it was about narcissistic supply the whole time for him.

    • Nazis and disabled people are enemies. Disabled people aren't oppressing themselves. Most Nazis are neurotypical and fully abled.

      If you hate disabled people, you're not an antifascist, you're a Nazi.

      • I didn't say they had NPD first off. I said narcissist.

        Second, I also don't think we should medicalize narcissists anyway. The only reason they get medicalized is to force incarceration or treatment. However, there's no cure for narcissism. No medication for it. No treatment at all. Why? Well, because it's just a belief system. Literally. What medicine are you going to give a Nazi or white supremacist to stop them from believing that? Nothing. You can't give them anything. It's not a disease.

        And we know this because look at who gets diagnosed and imprisoned - lower level narcissists who threaten bigger ones. Lower level narcissists who can't pay or bully their way out of consequences. Donald Trump and Elon Musk aren't being imprisoned despite enormous amounts of damage done by them to others, yet that homeless dude sleeping in a tent is medicalized for calling himself Tent King.

        Last, King Nazi himself was disabled (Hitler), so idk why you're acting like all disabled people are saints. We aren't. I've met disabled pedophiles. Fuck, look at Stephen Hawking and what he did with Epstein. Yes, obviously Nazis hate disabled people, but many disabled people hate disabled people too.