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  • Wayland, because it's faster, more stable, handles multi-monitor better, you can have animations while playing a game, no tearing, no fcking around window managers/compositors or shit, lower memory usage and 1:1 touchpad gestures

    • you have the same with X11... i have all these feats with my intel and AMD GPU.

      So why Wayland then? Better architecture/codebase and more manpower. And I think it supports multi-gpu better, not sure as nvidia doesn't play well with Wayland, it would be astonish that Optimus works any better.

      • Try running multiple monitors with different resolutions or gaming... Just in general (no seriously, people who think that gaming on X11 is better than wayland are fcking insane... No tearing, having to disable compositor to get more than 20fps, just works) in X, bet you'll have a great time. And yes, Nvidia is the only reason why imo anyone should still be using X (if they don't wanna use gnome)

  • Wayland, especially with a laptop and/or a multi-monitor setup. It has a proper touchpad support with 1:1 gestures and setting different scaling factors for multiple monitors with different refresh rates is a breeze.

  • Wayland. Touchscreen support and gestures. No scaling issues. Better smoothness.

    • And don't forget Crash-Resilient Wayland Compositing that keep applications alive even tho the "compositor" crash, so it does restart without any data loss and the lockscreen protocol, because on xorg if the lockscreen crash then you view the desktop and you have the device unlocked!

    • Wayland. Touchscreen support and gestures. No scaling issues. Better smoothness.

      touchscreen and gestures are managed by libinput/evdev which are independant and works with X11, using it currently on my Yoga C340.

      • Good point. But I think it would be difficult to configure this bundle within GNOME/KDE. And it's not necessary. Almost everything works fine under Wayland right now.

  • Xorg on my desktop. kwin-wayland still has many problems for me, from major things like windows vanishing and screen flickering with my Nvidia card to minor but annoying things like a random system tray pop-up popping up after clearing notifications. Also the force blur kwin script is not working under wayland.

    Wayland on my Intel only laptop because it mostly works (apart from the pop-ups)

  • I use Wayland because of my multi monitor setup not playing nice otherwise.

  • I honestly just stick with X11 because of the high degree of compatibility, and I often already rely on X11-only software anyways like Redshift (I know there's Wayland-supporting alternatives, but I'm picky and don't like switching if I don't feel I need to), also my DE/WM of choice is currently awesomewm and I think I've heard mixed things about using awesomewm on Wayland (or it might not even be compatible at all. I just woke up and I'm struggling to remember lol)

  • Both of them have issues depending on the setup. X11 has worked flawlessly in my experience. Wayland has worked the same for most.

    Personally, Wayland still has some growing pains, especially in regards to Input handling (mouse, keyboard, etc). In X11 it was "trivial" to edit one file and have the settings stick across different WMs (switching from DWM to i3, etc.) There's no standard for this with Wayland since it's up to the compositor to handle these things, meaning you're relearning how to do something as basic as setting pointer speed each time you try a new compositor. This is my only real fair gripe about it currently, as the rest of my complaints are just due to how young a lot of the Wayland-specific tools are - this will improve with time.

  • X11. It just works for me, no reason to switch. Plus I exclusively use Xfce or MATE which as far as I know do not have Wayland support.

    • Same here; I'll switch whenever Xfce does. Which, by the way, will probably happen sooner than expected, by the time 4.20 comes out. All the core apps & the development version of the panel already work on Wayland.

  • x11 cuz xfce also .. i want a just working system^^

  • X11 because my current setup on Wayland crashes constantly, otherwise always Wayland.