We really need to develop a coherent set of positions on criminal justice at some point. It's an enormous, everyday issue, and there's this constant ping ponging between "we need to abolish prisons now" and "obviously this serious crime deserves prison time at minimum."
It's of course not always the same people making the two comments, but as a group, leftists are all over the map.
It is hard to thread the needle between recognizing "retributive justice" is generally just morally wrong and the idea that systemically you probably need some sort of negative consequences available to help shape societal behaviors
One Model 3 on self-driving mode almost hit me head-on recently. It was approaching a 56kph/35mph intersection where I was in the left turn lane. The driver was heading straight. All of a sudden it jerks into the opposite left turn lane and keeps going straight before he stopped it mid-intersection. It didn't even attempt to slow down or signal/start a turn. That turn lane was just a third straight one which evidently can't register a white truck.
I can't wait for Tesla to eat shit and cut hardware/software support. It's so antisocial to buy one and the owners should be punished.
Every 6 months or so I'm like "what if I had a cute scooter to drive around places", and then I remember that driving any kind of motorcycle is a very quick way to get killed, even more so now that I have to share the road with the malfunctioning robots.
for real. little scooters and e-bikes are perfect for so much urban travel. basket for groceries, helmet that says, "I am The Christ" or whatever is cool these days.
literally all that stops me is getting murdered by all the crazy driving boxes and cagers.
almost got T-boned 2 days ago by some guy blowing a red light. if there had been any peds, they would be done-zo and if I was on something two wheeled, I would probably have a broken limb from having to ditch.
Didn't regulators say that real self driving isn't ready and they can't do that? Then Tesla turns around and straight up calls it 'full self-driving'? Wildly irresponsible.
I guess that's specific to Tesla. Other companies already have these on the street.
Chuds explaining how it's still really important that their fash internet god still make cars with half-baked software that is just a series of if/else statements used to dictate the worth of another human's life:
This is not the first motorcyclist murdered by a Tesla actually. The fucking things use cameras for the sElF dRiViNg mode. I know of one case where it didn't detect a motorcyclist stopped ahead and just plowed into it, killing them.
I stay well the fuck away from these things, at least as best I can anyway
Just give me more trains and separated bike paths and I'll be happy. During the winter, maybe increase the frequency of the buses because I'm a baby about the cold.
If driving sucks, I'd rather city planners focus on building up alternatives instead of trying to make driving suck less. Make it suck more so people stop.
When I was staying in sf recently I discovered a brilliant new hobby: cruising around on a dirt bike in the middle of the night and just forcing the self driving cars off the road lmao
It is a little dangerous, but I don't think it's as bad as you might think bc you are operating at pretty low speeds and of you do get hit it will most likely be a bump from the side
All Tesla owners and all owners of “self driving” cars need to be put on the same list as sex offenders and notify their neighbors when they move. I am 100% serious
In April, we reported on a tragic accident where a driver in a Tesla vehicle admitted to using “Autopilot” and not paying attention when he drove “his car lurched forward and crashed into the motorcycle in front of him” – killing the motorcyclist.
Oh it's just an accident.
I cannot stand western "journalists". They are such pathetic cowards. I also hope the Tesla driver suffers for this for the rest of their life.
I was biking the other day and a Tesla was coming from the other way and I saw the car kinda' steer towards me a bit before the driver corrected it, but it was a gravel road so I'm both assuming maybe the irregularity of the gravel causesd it and/or no one would be stupid enough to do that but Tesla drivers are fucking stupid.
Even "traffic-aware cruise control" in these things is awful. Why are they trying to make it do something even more complicated when they can't get this right.
Not if there is a cyclist on the side of the road. Or a bird that lands in the middle of the road, then takes off. Or a cop car that squeezes between you and another car (I was driving 80km/h and very quickly ended up at 20.)